Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Education (K-12)

As a former teacher and Head Start program director, I believe there is no better investment than in the education of our children, and I will always make this a top priority. We must invest in our children’s education early through Head Start programs, and support all the teachers of our great nation.

More on Education (K-12)

Oct 1, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan's Airline Consumer Rights Measures Pass House as Part of FAA Reauthorization Bill 

Bill also includes Nolan's amendment to help community airports expand service to new areas


Sep 28, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Schools would be prohibited from shaming, punishing or stigmatizing students who are unable to pay for their meals, or who hold unpaid balances in their accounts, under the ‘No Shame - No Blame’ Act, H.R. 6977, introduced by U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan. The measure would end school practices that single out students by disposing of their meal after it has been served, prohibiting them from participating in extracurricular activities, or forcing them to perform chores or other duties not generally required of students.

Sep 10, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan to Introduce "No Shame-No Blame" Bill to Ban School Lunch Shaming and Hold Districts Accountable 


Aug 28, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Congressman Rick Nolan (MN-08) today joined more than 170 House Democrats in sending a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos calling on the Department to issue formal guidance prohibiting the use of federal education funding to buy guns for teachers and school staff.

Nolan stated, “This program is meant to support student education not sales for gun manufacturers.”

The full text of the letter is available here.

Aug 21, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan Presses "No Government-No Pay" Bill While the President Threatens Federal Shutdown Over Taxpayer Funded Mexican Wall 


Jun 2, 2017 In The News

CASS LAKE -- U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan recently announced that Arnold Kingbird, a junior at Cass Lake Bena High School, is the winner of the 2017 Congressional Art Competition for Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional District.

Kingbird’s artwork is titled “Modern Northwest Coast Designs.”

May 25, 2017 Press Release

[WASHINGTON D.C.] U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today reintroduced his legislation to declare the commitment of Congress to our Nation’s students through support of a federal, publically-funded Universal School Meal & Nutrition Program that benefits all students and generations to come. The resolution was introduced on Thursday with 7 original cosponsors.

Jan 31, 2017 Press Release

[WASHINGTON D.C.] Calling Betsy DeVos “the most unqualified candidate ever to be nominated for Secretary of Education,” U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today urged Congress, State leadership, school officials, teachers and parents to join him in “holding her feet to the fire” and ensuring that she protects public education after a party-line Senate panel vote advances her nomination to a full Senate confirmation vote.

Nov 22, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today joined a bicameral amicus brief in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District.

Oct 12, 2016 In The News

Last April,Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig SchoolSuperintendent Mary Trapp made a long, long, long awaited announcement to students and staff.

“We had tears, we had claps, we had cheers,” she recalled. “The kids are excited that this is only going to take a year.”

The excitement rose for the promise of a new copy1.9 million high school.