Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Rep. Nolan on tractor


As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture and the Subcommittee on Livestock, Rural Development, and Credit, I'm proud and humbled to be able to shape agriculture policy for Minnesota's 8th District, bringing stability and security to our small towns and rural communities.
Hibbing Airport


As a member of both the General Aviation Caucus and House Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation, and having lived in Northern Minnesota my whole life, I understand the enormous economic benefit general aviation has to the 8th District, Minnesota, and our nation as a whole.

soldier in silouhette


I am a supporter of a strong national defense, at home and abroad. I firmly believe that we should do everything in our power to redirect taxpayer money away from unnecessary military construction projects abroad in places like Afghanistan, and instead invest in construction projects here at home - rebuilding our roads, bridges, ports, waterways, and sewer systems.
Teaching a 3rd grade class at Lakeside Elementary in Chisago City

Education (K-12)

As a former teacher and Head Start program director, I believe there is no better investment than in the education of our children, and I will always make this a top priority.


I advocate for a true All-of-the-Above energy strategy that makes use of domestic resources while promoting advancements in clean energy and ensuring energy independence from foreign nations. I support construction of the Keystone pipeline, as pipelines provide a transportation alternative with fewer carbon emissions.

Wild Rice harvesting with my son Michael


The Nolan homestead in rural Crosby is a regular gathering place for 5 generations of Nolans who together tap maple syrup in spring, harvest wild rice in the fall, and never miss a hunting or fishing opener. As Congressman, I am determined to preserve our natural treasures for ourselves and our children, and I do everything in my power to advance laws and policies that protect our precious environment, use our resources wisely, and serve our national interest.

Foreign Affairs

America’s ‘wars of choice’ – and particularly our ongoing military involvement in the Middle East – have cost us more than $3 trillion over the past 13 years, taken the lives of more than 6,000 U.S. troops, and saddled tens of thousands more with injuries they will suffer for the rest of their lives.

Gender Equality

I helped lead the fight to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This important legislation reauthorized VAWA programs and added new provisions that improve campus safety, provide for audits of untested rape kits to give law enforcement the tools they need to reduce the backlog of rape kits, and reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act to aid trafficking victims with resources and support services.
No Labels press conference

Government Reform

As a member of the bipartisan Congressional Problem Solvers’ Caucus, I have made it a major mission to work across party lines during my time in Congress. The toxic influence of money in our political system has made Members of Congress far too focused on fundraising and gaining attention for extreme positions, rather than rolling up our sleeves and getting to work solving the problems of the day.
Rep. Nolan speaks with nurses at Bigfork Hospital

Health Care

Health care is important to our district and my work in Congress. The Affordable Care Act is an important first step, not the last, in our nation's quest for providing Americans with the assurance, security, and the peace of mind that accompanies quality, low-cost health care.

Higher Education

As a former teacher and Head Start program director, I believe there is no better investment than in the education of our children, and I will always make this a top priority.

Pheasant hunting

Hunting, Fishing & the Outdoors

As a gun owner and hunter, and a member of the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, I work to pass legislation in the House of Representatives that protects the rights of responsible gun owners, preserves wildlife habitat for recreation, and supports hunting and fishing on federal lands.
Made in USA

Jobs and the Middle Class

Minnesota’ s 8th District economy stands on a three legged stool: Taconite, Timber and Tourism. Adding emerging domestic manufacturing and and Jobs and the economy – both tourist and mining based – are paramount to our work in Congress.
Raise the Wage!

Minimum Wage

Over the last couple of years, we've created millions of new jobs - but as one Northern Minnesotan put it, "It's a good thing there are so many new jobs out there... because you need two or three of them just to make a living!" 

Touring the Utac Mines in March


I grew up in the heart of Minnesota mining country, and I support our mine workers, their good-paying jobs, their unions, and local business suppliers. I believe we can do mining the right way, creating good-paying jobs while adhering to the strictest environmental and safety standards to ensure safe working conditions, and that clean air, clear water, and healthy soil continue to support our tourism industry and Minnesota quality of life.

Native American Indian & Tribal Issues

In the 113th Congress, I was able to pass two pieces of legislation – signed by the President – to return lands and benefits to members of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe that were originally negotiated under the 1854 Treaty, which had been lost for many years.

Net Neutrality

I support net neutrality because the internet should be free and accessible for everyone, to promote innovation, protect small businesses, and ensure consumer fairness. Just as our laws protect against monopolies in the business world, a few massive corporations should not be able to control the content or speed of the online world.

Pension Protection for Working Americans

Make no mistake, there are powerful forces trying to do away with people’s pensions, and we will continue to fight them on every front.

Rural Broadband

The Internet’s more than a quarter century old, and half of rural America still isn’t wired for high-speed broadband. Yet there is still no clear Congressionally approved plan, no strategy and no single federal office responsible for connecting millions of under-served people and businesses. It’s time for an upgrade – and it’s time for Congress to provide the necessary funding.

Rally against Chained CPI

Social Security & Medicare

I firmly believe Social Security and Medicare are earned benefits Americans have paid for from their first day on the job, and seniors deserve to know that what they have earned will be protected. I am fundamentally against any plan or budget deal that privatizes, reduces, or compromises these successful and necessary programs or the benefits they provide.


Unfortunately, so-called “free” trade agreements like NAFTA and the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have allowed millions of good American jobs to be outsourced overseas where products can be produced cheaply, without those protections. Unfair trade agreements have helped spur the loss of more than 56,000 American manufacturing companies over the past 20 years.

Transportation & Infrastructure

We need to rebuild America – beginning with our entire transportation infrastructure. Experts tell us we need to invest $1 trillion to rebuild our crumbling transportation system  – and in the process create some 13 million new good paying middle class jobs in construction, and throughout our economy.

Mesabi Daily News photo: Nolan and Arleigh Birk

Veterans Issues

America’s obligation to our veterans is permanent and sacred. We must leave no stone unturned to assure that the men and women who have put themselves in harm’s way to protect and serve us have the very best medical care, counseling, housing, job training, and educational opportunities a grateful nation can provide.