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Congressman Pete King

Representing the 2nd District of New York

Health Care

Americans have the leading doctors, the most advanced medical technology, and the best hospitals in the world. Indeed, major government officials from other countries often come to the United States for their medical procedures. While certain reforms were needed, we should have done this by working within and adding to the system we already had—not radically restructuring 17% of the nation’s economy. Although our healthcare system wasn’t perfect, it was still the best in the world.

Whether or not you supported the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the fact of the matter is the ACA has been law since 2010. It is now part of the health care apparatus in New York, and local governments and hospitals rely on this funding. With this in mind, I cannot support any proposal that decimates federal dollars for New York and undermines the fabric of our state’s health care system.

There are, however, significant problems with the health care law that must be addressed. Long Islanders are suffering due to increasing health insurance premiums, high deductibles, and narrow health provider networks that prevent them from seeing the doctors they want to see. 

As Congress works to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.  I will continue to fight for and support reform measures that empower patients while simultaneously reducing costs.  And I will fight to protect my constituents and support maintaining provisions of the Affordable Care Act that have been beneficial to Long Islanders, including ensuring coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions and eliminating lifetime caps. 

I am committed to continuing to work across the aisle to achieve targeted reforms and am hopeful that Congress can make improvements that increase choice and lower costs for consumers.