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Congresswoman Jenniffer González-Colón

Representing Puerto Rico

Jenniffer González discusses action plans with the Equality Commission ahead of the new Congress

December 21, 2018
Press Release
San Juan, Puerto Rico- Congresswoman Jenniffer González Colón met today with the Equality Commission in her office to agree on strategies to move forward with the Equality process for Puerto Rico ahead of in the new Congress 116.
Some of the members of the Equality Commission present at the meeting with Gonzalez-Colon were former Governor Pedro Rosselló, the National Committeewoman of the Republican Party in Puerto Rico, Zoraida Fonalledas, the President of the Democratic Party in Puerto Rico, Charlie Rodríguez, and Colonel Luis Berríos Amadeo.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the efforts in favor of the Equality for Puerto Rico in different forums both from the Congress, and before international organizations and more recently yesterday by the Congresswoman when she pleaded for equality of conditions and funds for Puerto Rico in the programs by the Amiga appeal of the Court in the hearing of the USA v. Case. Vaello-Madero airing the federal court.