Rep. Jacky Rosen
on Tuesday

My team in Las Vegas joined the Las Vegas Latin Chamber of Commerce Education Alliance Committee and discussed the progress being made on my STEM education legislation. I’ll continue to support policies that improve Nevada’s education system

Rep. Jacky Rosen
on Tuesday

Congrats to Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada on their new location. Your work in the community is what’s helping inspire our girls to lead!

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, cloud, crowd and outdoor
Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, child, shoes, sky, outdoor and nature
Rep. Jacky Rosen
on Tuesday

This weekend students from across the Valley took part in #WeThePeople - a competition that teaches kids about the constitution and civic engagement. Thank you to the State Bar of Nevada and Clark County School District for organizing such a great civic event!


A federal judge in Texas has just ruled the ACA unconstitutional which could jeopardize health care for millions of Americans, including hundreds of thousands of Nevadans with pre-existing conditions. We must fight - now more than ever - to protect our health care.
The ruling, which cited changes to tax law, is expected to ultimately send the fate of the Affordable Care Act back to the Supreme Court.

The Administration’s policies are exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis at our border. We must continue to demand transparency and accountability by those who are responsible for overseeing the detention of immigrant families and children.
Guatemalan child entered illegally with her father as part of a large group crossing into New Mexico.
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