Congressman Bill Pascrell

Representing the 9th District of NEW JERSEY

Congressional Brain Injury Task Force

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.5 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. There are an estimated 5.3 million Americans living with long-term disabilities as a result of brain injury and millions more are suffering from the residual effects of less severe TBIs. That is why I founded the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force in 2001. Co-chaired by Congressman Thomas J. Rooney (R-FL), the Task Force works to further Congress’s understanding of brain injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and research.  


The Congressional Brain Injury Task Force works to increase awareness of brain injury in the United States, supports research initiatives for rehabilitation and potential cures, and strives to address the effects such injuries have on families, children, education, and the workforce.

Brain Injury

TBI is the leading cause of death and disability among young people in the United States. However, it is often known as the "silent epidemic." TBI can strike anyone at any time. TBI is defined as an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force. A TBI may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness which often results in an impairment of cognitive abilities or physical functioning. TBI can also result in the disturbance of behavioral or emotional functioning.

Approximately 2.5 million people sustain a TBI each year. There are now 5.3 million Americans living with long term disability as a result of brain injury. These numbers do not include incidence or prevalence of Acquired Brain Injury which can occur with anoxia or stroke. Additionally, TBI has been named the signature wound of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with an estimated 360,000 brain-injured men and women returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. These injured soldiers require specialized care from providers experienced in treating traumatic brain injury. 


[Link to list of members of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force for the 115th Congress]

Appropriations Requests

Members of the 115th Congress request support for the Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Congressionally-Directed Medical Research Program, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center, National Intrepid Center of Excellence, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and the TBI Act Programs. 


Brain Injury Association of America (Link)       

Non-profit organization dedicated to people with brain injury and their families. Offers research, education, and advocacy programs through a national office, network of state affiliates, support groups, and a helpline.

U.S. Brain Injury Alliance (Link)

Non-profit organization dedicated to people with brain injury and their families. Offers a network of state affiliates.

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (Link)

NASHIA is a non-profit organization established to assist state government in promoting partnerships and building systems to meet the needs of individuals with brain injury and their families. Since 1990, NASHIA has been the source of information and education for state agency employees who are responsible for public policies, programs, and services affecting individuals with traumatic brain injury and their families.

Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (Link)

The Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center's mission is to serve active duty military, their dependents and veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) through state-of-the-art medical care, innovative clinical research initiatives, and educational programs.

BrainLine (Link)

BrainLine is a national multimedia project offering information and resources about preventing, treating, and living with TBI. BrainLine includes a series of webcasts, an electronic newsletter, and an extensive outreach campaign in partnership with national organizations concerned about traumatic brain injury.