Congressman Leonard Lance

Representing the 7th District of New Jersey

Lance Committee Assignments

Congressman Leonard Lance serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Ethics Committee.

Congressman Lance also serves on the following House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees

Communications and Technology (Vice Chair)

The technology sector is a rare economic bright spot, which is why the C&T Subcommittee has focused on creating jobs and spurring investment and innovation in this growing sector while fighting counterproductive regulation of the Internet domestically and abroad. Its legislative accomplishments include landmark spectrum reforms to expand Americans’ access to high-speed Internet and ‘good government’ improvements to the work of the FCC.

Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection

The DCCP Subcommittee has consistently focused on sensible consumer protections for the 21st century. The panel leads the committee’s efforts to address complex questions of individual privacy in the online ecosystem. Its major legislative accomplishments in recent years include vehicle safety reforms in the highway bill and much-needed regulatory relief to make sure consumer product safety laws work efficiently and effectively.


The U.S. is home to a constant stream of cutting-edge medical advancements, but these innovations can only benefit patients and spur our economy if the FDA regulatory process keeps pace. The Health Subcommittee has developed key reforms to promote this type of medical advancement, part of its broader efforts to support market-based improvements to our health care system and reject heavy-handed government control.

Congressman Lance also chairs the following caucuses:

Congressional Life Science Caucus
Congressional Rare Disease Caucus
Congressional Arts Caucus
Congressional Pediatric and Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus
Congressional Humanities Caucus
Congressional Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers
Congressional House Republican Israel Caucus