Congresswoman Diana DeGette

Representing the First District of Colorado
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Creating Jobs For The First District

Events I hold throughout Colorado’s First District serve as constant reminders that Americans have an incredible capacity for innovation and growth that must be encouraged and enabled by policies made in Washington, D.C.  Especially in these difficult times, my top priority is to develop solutions that revive the economy, put Americans back to work, and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity. 

In the short run, this means freeing up access to capital for small businesses; making targeted investments in infrastructure; and assisting those who have fallen on tough times – not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it helps create demand in our economy.   

At the same time, we need to get our nation’s fiscal house in order and begin to focus on long-term strategies to keep America competitive in the global marketplace.  This means investing in Pell Grants for college; workforce training programs to help jobseekers; and industries like clean energy and bioscience that will form the backbone of our 21st century economy.

Our country is at a crossroads, and Congress must come together to develop bipartisan common-sense solutions that will revive our economy now, secure our nation’s future and reignite the American dream for all Colorado families. 

Supporting Small Businesses:
One of the most important ways we can revive our economy is to support our small businesses, the backbone of our nation.

  • As a former small-business owner, I know well the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in our community. I've been talking with small business owners about the impact of the tough economy and what I can do in Washington to help.
  • Again and again, I've heard that many small businesses cannot access the capital they need to expand and hire new workers. So Congress must find ways to make capital more accessible.  Targeted tax cuts can also allow companies to reinvest more of their own funds to grow their business. And we must also ensure our regulatory structure is smart, effective, and not unduly burdensome. 

I've also heard repeatedly that sometimes guidance on how to navigate the bureaucratic process can make a huge difference. In response, I've helped local small businesses learn about the opportunities available to them through government contracting.