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Congresswoman Linda Sanchez

Representing the 38th District of CA

Tax Policy

As both the first Latina and the most senior Democratic woman currently serving on the Committee on Ways and Means, I bring a unique perspective on federal tax issues to my work on tax policy issues. I also serve on the Tax Policy Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, focusing much of my time on examining potential changes and improvements to our federal tax code.

It is no secret that our federal tax code is woefully out-of-date. That is why I support reforming the code to be fairer, simpler, and provide more certainty for all. Any tax reform should not be balanced on the backs of working families, and all businesses, big or small, should be on a level playing field. It is with this lens that I approach tax reform legislation.

Earned-Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The Earned-Income Tax Credit (EITC) continues to be one of America’s most powerful anti-poverty and work support programs. Each year, the credit helps approximately 24 million working families make ends meet, lifting nearly five million out of poverty. As chairwoman of the Hispanic Caucus and a member of the Ways and Means Committee, the tax writing committee, I have worked to improve and defend these tax credits for working families because the EITC is especially beneficial to Latino households. 

Child Tax Credit (CTC)

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is an important tax credit that helps low- and moderate-income working families offset the cost of raising children. Along with the EITC, the CTC helps millions of hard-working Americans make ends meet, pay for childcare, and provide the basics for their children. I will continue to oppose efforts to cut the Child Tax Credit or make it harder for families to qualify for the full CTC.

The tax related bills I have sponsored and co-sponsored are available here.