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Congresswoman Linda Sanchez

Representing the 38th District of CA

Civil Rights and Equality

Civil rights are human rights and I firmly believe that all people are created equal. The right to vote, the right to marry the person you love, and the right to serve your country are all inalienable rights protected by the United States Constitution. I’m proud to serve in Congress and help to ensure these civil rights are protected.

Unfortunately, we have seen constant attempts to erode civil rights and roll-back equality across the country – especially for minority and disadvantaged groups. The Supreme Court has weakened some of our most basic protections in ways that Congress never intended. State legislatures across the country continue to craft laws designed to deliberately disenfranchise people of color, low-income individuals, people with disabilities, and seniors.

I am proud to be a lead author of the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA) with Representatives Terri Sewell from Alabama, Judy Chu from California, and civil rights icon John Lewis of Georgia. The Voting Rights Advancement Act would restore the pre-clearance process to ensure that states and counties with a history of voting rights violations cannot introduce changes to their voting process without federal approval. The bill also expands access to a number of historically marginalized communities and increases transparency by requiring notice and disclosure for changes in voting standards.

Your gender, whom you love, where you live, or the color of your skin should not make it more difficult for you to be an American. That is why I will continue fight for our civil rights and for full equality.