Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Indiana
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Strengthening Biodefense

As a nation, we are underprepared to address the next biological or pandemic threat to our country. I am focused on changing that. Specifically, I’ve introduced legislation to address our inability to mobilize quickly and effectively to identify, contain, treat and eliminate any kind of biological threat to people in the United States.


Indiana is home to over a half million veterans, and my district is home to the Marion VA Medical Center. It is important to protect, compensate and care for those men and women who bravely defend our freedoms.

Second Amendment

I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Find out more about my views.

Restoring Confidence in Congress

Restoring confidence in Congress has been a goal of mine since the beginning of my Congressional service. The House Committee on Ethics has an important role to play in holding members, officers and staff accountable to the American people and to our colleagues. This year I was named Chairwoman of the House Committee on Ethics for the 115th Congress. Learn more about how I plan to restore America's confidence in Congress.


I am a pro-life Member of Congress. I will oppose any federal dollars being spent to perform abortions.

Mental Health Reform

I am an advocate in Congress for reforming our mental healthcare system so that people struggling with mental illness can get the care and treatment they need before a crisis occurs, and that their families and loved ones can be partners in helping to address their illness. It is my hope that we can will prevent senseless tragedies, improve the continuity of care for patients struggling with mental illness and save taxpayer dollars. I will continue to work in Congress to improve treatment for people struggling with mental illness and reduce the stigma associated with it. Read more about my work to improve mental health services and treatment.

Jobs, the Economy and Tax Reform

We are in a global competition for jobs, and right now the deck is stacked against American companies and workers. Our overly complicated tax code, excessive regulations and general uncertainty lead to unemployment and underemployment for Hoosiers and inhibit business investment and growth in the United States. As a supporter of pro-growth policies that stimulate the economy, create jobs and generate a fairer and simpler tax code, I have serious concerns with proposals to raise taxes on families and businesses. I believe in a low-rate tax system which fosters an environment for growth and brings certainty to the marketplace. Learn more about my views on how to support job creators, reform our tax code and help our economy grow.

Debt Reduction

America is already over $20 trillion in debt. Our national debt is a national crisis with very real consequences, and it is not fair to leave this burden for future generations. Learn more about my views on Debt Reduction.

Communications and Technology

Technology is constantly changing the way we interact with each other. With constant technological innovation, it is imperative that legislation continues to support and protect the needs of consumers. I am pleased to be representing Indiana, an emerging tech hub, as a member of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where telecommunications, electronic communications, emergency and public safety communications and cybersecurity issues are top legislative priorities. The subcommittee also focuses on issues involving the Federal Communications Commission, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the Office of Emergency Communications in the Department of Homeland Security. Learn more about my work on the subcommittee here.

Bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues

Together with my co-chair Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL) and vice co-chairs Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA) and Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI), we work to lead the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues. The caucus is an important, bipartisan forum to discuss major policy issues of our day with a focus on how these issues impact women and families. It is comprised of all 88 Republican and Democratic women House Members. In the past, this caucus has been a driving force for a strong Violence Against Women Act and for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Learn more about our work here.


In Congress, I will continue to work to streamline the tax and regulatory structure, encourage development of export markets and ensure agriculture has the support it needs to be successful. As Congress considers the next Farm Bill, I will work to ensure the bill provides much needed certainty for Indiana’s farming communities and to the 16 million Americans whose livelihoods depend directly on agriculture. Learn more about how I'm working to support farmers here.


We must ensure the security and prosperity of our nation by maintaining and strengthening our current strategic alliances and building new ones that reflect American interests and values. I believe in the importance of having a strong military, and I have worked in Congress with my colleagues to ensure that our troops have the resources they need to ensure readiness so that they are best equipped to defend our nation. Read more about my views on Defense.


In today’s knowledge-based economy, it is more important than ever to ensure our education system aligns with the demands of the 21st century workforce. I will work to create an educational system that emphasizes high standards, accountability for results, local control, transparency and parental choice. In addition, I am a founding member and co-chair of the School Safety Caucus, focused on ensuring the safety of our kids while they are at school. Learn about my work in Congress on Education issues.


There is a broad consensus in Congress that our immigration system is broken and in desperate need of repair. I believe that we can come to an agreement that both strengthens our borders and reforms our immigration system while respecting the rule of law and our values as a nation of immigrants. Read more about my views on immigration issues.

Homeland Security

Keeping the homeland safe and our citizens secure is the primary role of the federal government. We must be prepared for all hazards, natural disasters and terrorist threats, and to defend our nation and our way of life against those who want to harm us. I will focus on providing individuals and agencies that protect our country with all the tools necessary to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. Learn about my work in Congress on Homeland Security issues.

Health Care Reform

In addition to making common sense healthcare reforms to lower health care costs, increase accessibility and improve the quality of care, we must also ensure that we continue to drive innovation and research into the next generation of treatments and cures. Learn more about my views on this issue.


Learn about my work in Congress on Energy issues.