
8 years ago today the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy was finally repealed. While this was a major milestone in the fight for equal rights in our military, there is still much more to be done to ensure that ableness and readiness are the only standards that matter when it comes to who is allowed to serve in our Armed Forces. In Congress, I will continue to push back against discriminatory policies like the President’s ban on transgender troops and ensure that every American is able to serve openly, with dignity, and free from discrimination.

Not only does Trump’s third shutdown hurt our economy, undermine critical government services, and leave more than 800,000 workers without paychecks just days before Christmas, but it also means the expiration of the Violence Against Women Act, and its critical protections for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Democrats have offered several compromises to end this shutdown, including a bill that passed unanimously in the Senate — and that the President previously promised to sign — which included sensible and effective border security funds. Trump needs to honor his commitments and understand that our democracy of divided government means not always getting everything you want. Holding government agencies and the America people hostage is not leadership, it’s a temper tantrum.
The Violence Against Women Act will lapse for the second time in 25 years when the partial government shutdown begins just after midnight.
Brownley Discusses Family Separation at the Border
Expand Social Security Caucus
Brownley Speaks on House Floor in Support of Improving Oversight of Women Veterans' Care Act