Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Indiana
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Brooks: GROW Nurses Connects Careers with Classrooms

Oct 7, 2014
News Releases

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN5) issued the following statement after speaking today to students, faculty and community partners who support and participate in Grant County’s GROW Nurses program:

“GROW Nurses is a 5th District program doing an outstanding job of connecting careers with our classrooms. The program is dedicated to building a healthier Grant County through community partnerships that encourage more young people to become nurses. I am particularly pleased to know GROW Nurses is working to provide more males and minorities the step by step support necessary to enter the nursing profession. As the baby boomer generation continues to age, we will need a new generation of diverse and well-trained nurses ready to meet increased demand. 

GROW Nurses breaks down silos between our local schools, career and technical education programs and universities. It gives students access to the tools and information they need to find the career paths they want. Moreover, it provides quality training and learning opportunities for students before they even enter high school. In Grant County, more young people are pursuing degrees and beginning careers in health care because of this program.  As a member of Congress focused on workforce training issues, I’m committed to supporting and highlighting 5th District programs that make such a positive impact in the lives of our students.”

Today’s GROW Nurses event was held at Marion Community School’s Tucker Career and Technology Center. GROW Nurses was started in 2008 with grant funding from the United States Department of Energy. Indiana Wesleyan University is the program’s lead sponsor in partnership with organizations like Ivy Tech Community College and Marion Community Schools. For more information on GROW Nurses, please visit: