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Congressman Garret Graves

Representing the 6th District of Louisiana

Foreign Affairs

Louisiana is home to the largest port system in the world, moving more tons of cargo each year than anywhere in the western Hemisphere. Our state is the top exporter in the U.S., which is why international trade is so important to Louisiana jobs and our economy. Trade policy, diplomacy and a strong national defense influence America’s relationships with the world. I will support a foreign policy – including foreign aid – that promotes our national interests, which is conveyed through mutual respect, seeks to grow American jobs and is backed up with the world’s most powerful military. 

For more information concerning work and views related to Foreign Affairs, please contact our office.

More on Foreign Affairs

December 6, 2017 In The News

In our weekly visit with Congressman Garret Graves, we covered a lot of ground…. everything from funding government through the end of the year, to his thoughts on statewide reciprocity on concealed carry to a bill he’s sponsoring to deny back pay to convicted deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  To listen click here

December 5, 2016 Blog Post

Below is a snapshot of some of the recent legislation Congressman Graves has been working on in the US House of Representatives. If you have questions or comments regarding these or other legislative issues, contact our office today

Last Week Revisited – On the Floor

May 6, 2016 In The News

My job is to represent you, and that works best when you and I are interacting. That’s why I prioritize open communication. For example, folks in Ascension Parish had the opportunity to attend a Town Hall in Prairieville this week. We filmed a “postgame interview” so those of you who couldn’t make it can still be a part of the action. Watch the short video below, and 'like' my Facebook page to continue the conversation

April 18, 2016 Blog Post

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in the case United States v. Texas to determine whether as many as 5 million illegal immigrants can be spared deportation under the amnesty program the presdient created through executive action, circumventing current immigration law established by Congress. The president needs to work with Congress to bring effective immigration reform that reflects the will of the citizens of this country.

April 15, 2016 Blog Post

A number of people called our office this week to share their thoughts about Puerto Rico's financial crisis. I shared mine during a Facebook Q&A earlier this week. Watch the video below, and follow our Facebook page to participate in the next Live Q&A.