Resources for Businesses

A network of professionals from economic development agencies, Universities, and community and technical colleges who provide advising and training services for clients who are interested in growing and sustaining their business.

Information and services on filing taxes, searching for unclaimed property, reporting tax fraud, and more.

Resources for successfully selling to the U.S. government, finding subcontracting opportunities, and where to get the proper training and registration requirements for your business.

Guidance and resources to help grant-seekers find information on federal grants, loans, and nonfinancial assistance for projects, as well as on private funding.

Learn how to start your own business, sell to the government, and more. Also find a small business counselor and get other helpful tips.

Get information on how to export, see upcoming events, and get the answers to many frequently asked questions regarding the global expansion of your business.

Register in order to do business with the U.S. government, update or renew your registration, or search for entity registration and exclusion records here.

Contact either my Washington State office or my Washington, D.C. office with any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have. You can also request a meeting and find other helpful links here.