
This link will bring you to a quick overview of the district, including data on place of birth, businesses, race, veteran status, and more. You can also look at other districts in the state of Washington and throughout the United States.


This link provides basic facts and information on the land and climate of the state of Washington.

Here you will find the various climates in Washington State. You can also view specific counties for a closer look at the demographic and geographic characteristics across the state, including the cities that are included in our district.

This website will bring you to a Geological Survey of Washington State where you can explore geologic maps, hazards, and other related topics such as energy, mining, and minerals.

The U.S. Geological Survey examines each region across the United States to forecast and monitor issues regarding natural resources and the impact that these resources will have on the quality of life in that region. Click here to view the geological information for the Northwest.