U.S. Census BureauVerified account


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Joined March 2009


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    Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this channel will not be updated until we reopen. Learn more:

  2. DYK Since November 1941, the Huntington-Hill/Equal Portions Method has been used to determine each state's share of seats in the House of Representatives? Learn how the census is used to apportion the U.S. House of Representatives:

  3. It's but not all are ugly! In 2017, imports of sweaters, pullovers, and vests totaled $13.9 billion.

  4. The U.S. grew by 0.6% and and were the nation’s fastest-growing states between July 1, 2017, and July 1, 2018. See the latest population estimates for your state here:

  5. DYK 19.0% of 2017’s annual not seasonally adjusted sales from jewelry stores (approximately $32.4b) was earned in December alone?

  6. November 2018 for , up three of the last four months, +1.9% to $91.5b. for capital goods excluding , -0.1% to $69.0b.

  7. November 2018 new for , up following two consecutive monthly decreases, +2.7% to $89.2b. New orders for excluding aircraft, -0.6% to $69.3b.

  8. November 2018 , up twenty-two of the last twenty-three months, +0.3% to $412.8b. , up twenty-four of the last twenty-five months, led the increase, +0.9%.

  9. November 2018 goods , down two consecutive months, -0.1% to $1,181.7b. , also down two consecutive months, drove the decrease, -0.3%.

  10. November 2018 , up three of the last four months, +0.7% to $256.7b. equipment, also up three of the last four months, led the increase, +2.0%.

  11. November 2018 new for , up following two consecutive monthly decreases, +0.8% to $250.8b. equipment, up three of the last four months, drove the increase, +2.9%.

  12. The U.S. grew by 0.6% between July 1, 2017, and July 1, 2018 and the five fastest-growing states were all in the South and West. Check out our latest and read more in this article:

  13. Total state revenue is up 7.0% from the same quarter last year. See how much your collected in our latest Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax revenue for Q3 2018:

  14. DYK that during the 1960s, these Census Bureau clerks studied microfilmed census records as part of the Census Bureau’s Age Search? We continue to provide an "age search" service to the public. Learn more about the availability of census records at:

  15. The voting age those 18 years and over, increased by 0.9% to 253,768,092 people in 2018. Explore more:

  16. Since 2010, has gained a total of 1,160,387 people from net domestic migration.

  17. had the largest numeric growth over the last year, w/ an increase of 379,128 people. Texas grew both from having more births than deaths and from net gains in movers from within and outside the United States. Explore the latest population estimates:

  18. had a total of 3,195,153 in 2018, a decrease from 3,726,157 in 2010. The decrease in Puerto Rico’s population is primarily due to higher rates of out-migration over in-migration and natural increase.

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  19. The new estimates show that Puerto Rico’s has continued to decline, with an estimated loss of 129,848 people (3.9%) between July 1, 2017, and July 1, 2018.

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  20. Nine states lost last year: New York (down 48,510) Illinois (45,116) West Virginia (11,216) Louisiana (10,840) Hawaii (3,712) Mississippi (3,133) Alaska (2,348) Connecticut (1,215) Wyoming (1,197)


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