Commendations and Greetings

If you would like to request a Congressional Commendation for someone living in the 2nd Congressional District please complete and submit the form below.  The types of commendations are listed following this text. Be sure to select the proper request in the field near the end of the form. Please allow two (2) weeks to process your request(s). 

Available Congressional Commendations

  • Appointment to public office
  • Election to public office
  • Awards or honors
  • Citizenship
  • Eagle Scout
  • Gold Star
  • Graduation
  • Heroism
  • Military academy appointment
  • Other achievements of public distinction

Available Presidential Greetings

Due to the Presidential Transition, the White House Correspondence Office is temporarily closed and as a result, no Presidential Greetings can be requested at this time.

Regrettably, the White House Correspondence Office will remain temporarily unavailable until the new Administration determines their greetings policies and procedures and announce a reactivation date.  

Please check my website regularly for updates regarding the reactivation of Presidential Greetings. Once my office receives guidance from the new Administration, we will begin processing greeting requests accordingly.

Thank you for your patience.

  marks required fields of data.

Your Information

What are these options?
This is to help the constituents that are hard of hearing or use a video phone alert us to that fact so we can use the proper technology when we need to call them. The default option “Voice” is a normal audible telephone.

Honoree Information