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Congressman Jim Costa

Representing the 16th District of California

Strengthening Healthcare

What Health Care Reform Means For You


  • No discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions
  • Children can stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26
  • Ban on insurance plans dropping you if you get sick
  • Ban on lifetime coverage limits and caps out-of-pocket expenses
  • Tax cuts for 156,000 middle class households in the district to pay for coverage


  • Closing the Medicare Part D donut hole
  • Extends the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund from 2017 to 2026
  • Free preventive care under Medicare – no co-payments and deductibles
  • Help for early retirees – temporary coverage for ages 55-64


  • Ban on gender rating that results in higher premiums for women
  • Eliminates all co-pays and deductibles for preventive services like mammograms
  • No discrimination for pre-existing conditions such as having had a C-section or being the victim of domestic violence


  • $40 billion in tax credits for small businesses to help them offer employee coverage
  • 9,700 small businesses in the district qualify for tax credits of up to 50% of the costs of providing insurance
  • The same access to quality, affordable coverage that larger firms have
  • Lower administrative costs and stable pricing from year to year

For more information on how heathcare reform effects you, including resources for state insurance plans and updates on the new heatlh insurance exchange system, please visit

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

For the full text of the H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, please go here.

More on Strengthening Healthcare

Sep 21, 2018 Press Release

Fresno, CA – Today Valley Congressman Jim Costa (CA-16) held a cancer summit at the Clovis Community Medical Center as part of a nationwide collaboration with Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s cancer fighting movement.

Oct 18, 2017 Press Release

FRESNO, CA – Congressman Jim Costa (CA-16) issued the following statement today after the leaders of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions – Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) – announced their bipartisan agreement to improve the Affordable Care Act, which  includes funding the cost-sharing reduction payments the Administration cut last week:

Oct 13, 2017 Press Release

FRESNO, CA – Congressman Jim Costa (CA-16) issued the following statement today after President Trump signed an executive order to end cost-sharing reduction payments (CSR) to insurance companies providing health care to individuals enrolled in Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplaces:

Jul 31, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC – The Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group of representatives working to find a path forward for responsible governance, put forward a proposal today to improve the health care system in the United States. Congressman Jim Costa (CA-16) is a member of the caucus. One key component of the proposal focuses on stabilizing the individual health care market to help individuals, families, and small businesses afford high-quality care.

Jul 6, 2017 In The News

Congressman Jim Costa, D-Fresno, talked with Merced County health leaders and advocates on July 6, 2017 to receive feedback and discuss how the Republicans’ proposed health bill will impact people in Merced County.


May 25, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16) released the following statement in reaction to the Congressional Budget Office’s scoring of the American Health Care Act that passed the House of Representatives on May 4th:

Aug 25, 2015 Press Release

Madera, CA – Today, Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16) announced $400,000 for Camarena Health in Madera County. The grant is made available through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration. The funding will go toward improving and establishing facilities to boost health services in rural areas. 

Aug 25, 2015 Press Release

Merced, CA – Today, Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16) announced a combined total of $1,601,548 for community health centers in Merced County. Livingston Community Health received $1,118,215 and Golden Valley Health Centers received $483,333. These grants are made available through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration. The funding will go toward improving and establishing facilities to boost health services in rural areas.

Apr 22, 2015 In The News

On behalf of our board of directors and employees, Golden Valley Health Centers thanks Rep. Jim Costa for supporting HR 2 last month.

This piece of legislation, more commonly known as the “Doc Fix,” will relieve the nation’s healthcare system of what would’ve been a drastic cut in Medicare reimbursement. And, while important, the bill also contained much needed Federal support for community health centers across the nation, which were also facing a funding cliff set to take effect in October.