Sen. Maggie HassanVerified account


New England sports fan, mom, crossword enthusiast, former governor, U.S. Senator for New Hampshire.

Joined November 2012


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  1. From our family to yours, wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!

  2. A day after Secretary Mattis resigned in protest, the US point person in the fight against ISIS resigned in response to the President’s Syria decision that he felt will threaten our national security. The threat posed by ISIS persists and it must be taken seriously.

  3. The President said he’d be “proud” to shut down the government and unfortunately here we are. On Wednesday all 100 senators supported a clean funding extension - a deal the President said he’d accept. I urge the President to come to the table now and end this shutdown.

  4. Students trying to get a higher education should not have to face the burdensome, complex web of red-tape that comes with applying for federal financial aid, and I’m pleased the Senate passed our bill this week to help simplify the process.

  5. This week the President signed into law legislation that will help keep Americans safe by making it easier for intelligence analysts to identify terrorist threats – I thank for working across the aisle with me to push this bill across the finish line.

  6. Members of both parties must step up now to do everything we can to promote a coherent American foreign policy that will keep us safe, secure, and free.

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  7. I’m deeply grateful for Secretary Mattis’s years of service. His resignation letter powerfully raises concerns from members of both parties about the President’s haphazard, impulsive approach to foreign policy.

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  8. This critical bill to ensure that our veterans get the benefits they have earned has just passed the House. I urge the President to sign it without delay.

  9. Good news for New Hampshire – the farm bill was just signed into law. This bipartisan bill will do everything from supporting our dairy farmers, to reauthorizing the Northern Border Regional Commission and expanding broadband access.

  10. Gender discrimination and other challenges both big and small still exist for women serving in public office and in all types of jobs. We’ve come a long way but we can’t stop fighting to break down barriers for women to pursue their dreams.

  11. You can read more about our bipartisan efforts to bolster the Department of Homeland Security’s cyber defenses here:

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  12. I also want to thank Representatives , , and , as well as Senators and for their help in getting this bill passed, and I look forward to the President signing this important measure without delay.

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  13. . and I have been working together on legislation to help strengthen our nation's cyber defenses, and I'm happy to say that two of our bills, including the Hack DHS Act, are heading to the President's desk for signature.

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  14. Wishing you a Merry Christmas from the Senate floor 🎄

  15. For years, small towns were inundated with millions more opioid pills than there were people, yet drug distribution companies turned a blind eye while reaping the profits. This is unacceptable and I will keep working to hold big pharma accountable.

  16. When wildfires raged in California, a New Hampshire family business stepped up to help. For their efforts, I'm proud to recognize the families behind Schilling Beer Co., as well as Head Brewer Chris Deapo, as the December Granite Staters of the Month.

  17. It is unacceptable that veterans are suffering because of the inadequacies of the VA. I was proud to work across the aisle to help ensure that our brave veterans receive their full GI student housing benefits.

  18. Congratulations to Adjutant General David Mikolaities on his promotion to Major General!

  19. This is utterly shameful. Our veterans deserve so much better than this.

  20. I’m grateful for the leadership of and who have worked across party lines for years to build support for these commonsense reforms that will help make our criminal justice system more fair and reduce the likelihood that individuals will reoffend.

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