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Enzi: Where has the year gone?

December 23, 2013

In a recently recorded video, U.S Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., reflected on the past year and how he’s reminded of all the special moments he and his wife Diana spent with family and friends. Click the picture above to watch a special end-of-the-year message from Senator and Diana Enzi. The full transcript from the video is included below.

“We’re now at the end of the year, and looking back over the past, oh, 12 months or so, we are reminded of the special moments we’ve shared with family and friends.  Each one will serve as an instant replay memory we will look back on for years to come.

“Yes, it’s that time of year – and we shouldn’t be surprised.  It’s taken almost 12 months to get here and the signs of the season are everywhere.  Snow, smiling faces and the ultimate proof – the store windows in Gillette, Cheyenne, and Casper and all around Wyoming -- are dressed up in their holiday best.  This is the time of year when we’re all shopping and preparing to celebrate the coming days with friends and family. 

“This is also the time of year when children of all ages are preparing their lists.  Diana and I are making a list, too, of some of the things for which we’re most grateful.  It’s one of our family traditions -- something you never outgrow.

“So -- here’s our list of just a few of the ways we have been blessed this year-- 

“By our veterans and those who currently serve in our armed forces – thanks to them, our freedoms will continue to be protected and preserved.  We owe them all a great debt for what they have always done to ensure that our American way of life will always be ours to enjoy.  God bless and be with them all as they spend their holiday far away from home and family and friends.  We pray that when they have completed their service God will bring them all safely home again.

“By those who serve every day on our volunteer fire departments and our emergency and rescue personnel -- they have a very difficult and dangerous job to do and we appreciate the peace of mind they bring to all of us every day of the year.  Thanks to them, Mothers and Fathers, and Grandfathers and Grandmothers can sleep much easier at night knowing that their children and grandchildren are safe.

“By those who volunteer their time reaching out to others to help them in every aspect of their lives.  There is such great need and thanks to those who answer the call, our communities and our state of Wyoming are much better places to live.  If you would like to get active and get involved call your local community services organizations to volunteer to help.  They can always use an extra pair of hands.

“This time of year also reminds us to spend a little more time with our children and grandchildren.  Our children remind us of our past – of all we have achieved.  Our grandchildren remind us of our shared future and the challenges that await us.  Together they are our greatest gift for the holidays.

“Diana joins in sending our best wishes to all of our Wyoming friends at this special time of year.  Being back home means so very much to us.  There’s no greater family tradition than being home for the holidays.

“I know I won’t be the first – but let me be among the chorus of those you will hear every day – just about everywhere you go -- Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!

“The sound of those special words always helps to brighten the day and lift my spirits.

“Diana and I hope the joy of this special season stays with you – not just today and tomorrow – but throughout the year.

“That is why our wish for you and your family is for the Christmas season and the coming New Year to be everything you’ve ever wished or hoped for.  This is truly the season when dreams come true.  Ask any child – no matter their age!  May it be so for you and your families, too.  God bless.”