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Congressman Matt Cartwright

Representing the 17th District of Pennsylvania


National Security

Matt Cartwright will fight to ensure that the United States maintains the strongest armed forces in the world and that American troops overseas have every available item to carry out their mission.  The Congressman looks forward to a day when all American forces can come home and will work to ensure that every mission in which our troops are deployed is thoroughly necessary for the national security of the United States.  Naturally, the United States will continue to be a strong ally to NATO and Israel.

More on National Security

Sep 27, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – House Appropriations Committee Member Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17) released the following statement regarding final passage Wednesday of the two-bill, fiscal year 2019 “minibus” appropriations bill and a Continuing Resolution to fund remaining unfunded parts of the federal government through December 7, 2018 (in order to avoid a partial government shutdown).

Jul 17, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright released the following statement regarding President Trump’s meeting in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Friday, special counsel Robert Mueller released grand jury indictments for 12 Russian military intelligence officials, for a myriad of alleged crimes.

May 8, 2018 Press Release

Washington, DC -- Today, U.S. Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-17) issued the following statement after President Trump announced United States' withdrawal from the Joint Comphrehensive Plan of Action:

Jul 28, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC – A bipartisan amendment offered by Rep. Cartwright to protect federal civilian jobs, including jobs at the Tobyhanna Army Depot, passed the House of Representatives yesterday. This amendment prohibits the Department of Defense from using funds to conduct new A-76 studies.

Jul 14, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC – An amendment offered by U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright to cut government costs was included in the FY18 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that passed the House today.

This amendment would require the Secretary of Defense to brief Congress on compliance of a cost-savings program authorized in the FY17 NDAA.

Jun 8, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright re-introduced legislation that would guarantee leave for military families. The bipartisan Military Family Leave Act allows military families to spend time with a loved one who has received notification of impending active duty deployment.

Dec 8, 2015 Press Release
Washington, DC – Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) confirmed that, in the face of global climate change, more can be done in the United States to share useful climate data so that leaders at the federal, state, and local level, as well as those in the private sector, can better prepare for future extreme weather events and prevent billions of dollars in damages.
Oct 27, 2015 Press Release
Washington, DC – In response to a request from U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released a new report outlining the vulnerabilities federal agencies still face due to lack of planning for extreme weather events. This work follows up on GAO’s previous High Risk Reports of 2013 and 2015 which also identified extreme weather as a significant source of fiscal exposure to the federal government.
Jul 9, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representatives Matt Cartwright (D-PA) and Richard Hanna (R-NY) introduced the bipartisan A Necessary and Targeted Impediment to Viruses Act (ANTI Virus).

Jun 17, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright and U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) re-introduced the Safeguarding America’s Future and Environment (SAFE) Act, legislation that would safeguard the country’s natural resources from the increasingly harmful effects of climate change.