Reichert, Pascrell Introduce Resolution Supporting National Secure Your Load Day

Oct 1, 2018 Issues: Law Enforcement Caucus

Washington, DC - Representatives Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus, released the following statements after their recent introduction of House Resolution 1107 supporting the designation of National Secure Your Load Day on June 6th.

“Each year, thousands of drivers are injured as a result of unsecure loads and road debris on our nation’s highways,” Rep. Reichert said. “This resolution honors the lives of those who have been impacted, including the daughter of my constituent, Robin Abel. After her daughter was catastrophically injured by an unsecured load, Robin has dedicated her time and energy to raising awareness about these avoidable tragedies. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus, I am proud to introduce this resolution to highlight the need to make our roads safer by securing loads and preventing road debris.”

“Highway safety is an important issue, and one that means a lot to me,” said Rep. Pascrell. “In 2015, there was a deadly incident on the New Jersey Turnpike in Kearny. The driver of a gasoline tanker was killed when his oil tanker collided with another vehicle, flipped over a guardrail, and caught fire trying to avoid an unsecured load which had fallen off of a vehicle and obstructed the highway. There have been so many similar tragedies across the country. Congress should bring greater awareness to this problem, and establishing a National Secure Your Loads Day would do just that.”

According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2016 more than 90,266 incidents were caused by unsecured loads, resulting in approximately 19,663 injuries and 683 deaths. Additionally, in 2018, 48 States participated in Secure Your Load Day on June 6th. Rep. Reichert has been a strong advocate in Congress for this issue, encouraging his colleagues to support this cause and raise awareness across the country.