Today, at the Joint Economic Committee hearing we spoke about the Federal Debt and what drives it. I asked the panel what would happen if Congress did not raise the debt ceiling and if it’s possible to grow our way out of our debt problem instead of cutting spending or raising taxes. Take a look at the video to see their answers.
Thank you to my friend and colleague Earl Blumenauer for this touching tribute yesterday on the House floor. It has been an honor and privilege to serve New York's 22nd Congressional District in the House of Representatives.
Today, I was honored to speak on the House floor in support of a bipartisan six-year highway bill. This is a testament of the hard work of the entire Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, especially Chairman Congressman Bill Shuster and Ranking Member Peter DeFazio. There are 280 amendments to this bill proving that the process is open and transparent for all who want to participate. I look forward to its passage because it’s good for our economy, good for jobs and good for states and municipalities that need the long-term certainty to establish long-term plans to maintain our infrastructure. #STRR

This week, I introduced House Resolution 925 to recognize the Civil Air Patrol for 75 years of continuous service in times of both peace and war.

Members of the all-volunteer Civil Air Patrol served prominently during World War II. It is estimated that CAP pilots flew 24 million miles over 18 months and reported more than 170 possible submarines sightings. The Civil Air Patrol’s World War II legacy also includes the integration of its squadrons, which were the first to allow ...both women and African Americans to fly in service to their country.

Today, the Civil Air Patrol continues to fulfill several missions critical to our national defense and homeland security. Serving as the Air Force’s official auxiliary force, the Civil Air Patrol is helping to train interceptor pilots and unmanned aerial vehicle operators under realistic conditions as well as supporting aerial observation missions and counterdrug operations.

As a pilot and honorary member of the CAP Legislative Squadron, I congratulate the Civil Air Patrol on 75 years of service to the United States! And thank the original cosponsors Congressman Charlie Dent, Steve Israel, Rep. Ron Kind and our sponsor in the U.S. Senate U.S. Senator Susan Collins.

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Kicking off our assembly at Whitesboro High School with fellow alumnus Andrew Donovan this morning.

I graduated in 1969. Andrew graduated in 2008. And we're speaking with the Class of 2017.

Great to be back at Whitesboro!

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