
Thank you for the great honor of serving you and all of North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District these past six years. As I prepare to leave this office, I am very much aware of the incredible privilege you granted me. Much of my time in office has been focused on terrorism, terrorism financing, cyber issues, and malicious Chinese trade practices.

As my team prepares for an orderly transition, this account will be archived and deactivated on Monday, November 26th. My Charlotte and DC offices will continue to remain open for as long as the Committee on House Administration allows, and you are welcome to continue to reach out at 202-225-1976 or 704-362-1060. God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

WCNC-TV: Congressman Pittenger on Border Security
Last week, I had the honor of co-leading a special Congressional session honoring the life and legacy of the late Dr. Billy Graham. Billy Graham didn’t walk over people to reach the world. He understood the importance of every person before God, and that’s why his ministry and his mission was so outstanding. Dr. Graham could truly reach anybody, largely because he was real, he was personable, he was humble, and his message was clear, and so simple: that God loves us, he has a plan for our life, and Jesus Christ is the means to that plan. Suzanne and I feel blessed to have known Dr. Graham, to have participated in his ministry in a small way, and to have been inspired by his life and message. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Graham family and pray God will comfort them.
Today I publicly highlighted China’s strategic efforts to exploit deficiencies in the our foreign investment review process to steal our sensitive military data and technology. This is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed with diligent haste. Last fall, Senator Cornyn and I introduced bipartisan legislation to strengthen and modernize the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which is responsible for screening investments for national security concerns. Click below to watch my opening statement from today’s Monetary Policy and Trade hearing, where I urged my colleagues to join me in taking action.