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Congressman Lacy Clay

Representing the 1st District of Missouri


Energy policy and climate change are at the center of our nation’s economic, national security, and environmental challenges. I believe that it is more important than ever for America to adopt an aggressive and innovative energy strategy. I support the development of alternative sources of energy in order to retain our competitive advantage and ensure a promising future for our children and grandchildren. The development of green technology and green jobs will spur tremendous growth and offer long-term relief to the American economy by making us less dependent on energy from unstable areas of the world.

I believe in implementing policies that encourage investment in innovative technologies that make our economy more productive; an education agenda that trains young Americans in math, science, and engineering, so that they can compete for 21st century jobs; and forward-thinking trade policies that open markets for U.S. businesses, farmers, and workers.  For these reasons, I supported the H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES).  This legislation will revitalize our economy by creating millions of new jobs, increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and preserve our planet by reducing the pollution that causes global warming.  I also support the Obama Administration in their efforts to help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts that would build a clean energy future, ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025, and create millions of new green jobs.

I am also a firm believer in giving a hand to the most vulnerable among us.  As energy prices continue to rise and threaten the health of American families in extreme weather, I will continue to support the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program.  LIHEAP protects the safety of fixed-income seniors and low-income families, especially those with young children and disabled members by making their energy bills more affordable. For more information on Missouri’s LIHEAP program and contact information for agencies that offer assistance, please visit

More on Environment

February 1, 2018 Press Release

NOTE: The following, in its entirety, is a first-person statement by Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri

WASHINGTON, DC – “As the first Member of Congress to call for the removal of nuclear waste from West Lake landfill, today’s announcement by the EPA of a cleanup is a huge victory for our long-suffering community and it is a major step towards long-delayed environmental justice.

January 26, 2016 Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 12, 2016                 


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029







November 19, 2015 Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 19, 2015                                          


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029


Clay, Wagner, Blunt, McCaskill

Demand Action on West Lake Landfill



July 30, 2015 Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 30, 2015                   


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029


Clay Joins House Natural Resources Committee

New Opportunity to Fight for Environmental Justice Will Focus on Higher Standards for

July 16, 2014 Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 16, 2014                                      


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029

Note: This special guest commentary by Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri appeared in today’s edition of Roll Call (7.16.14) 

New EPA Clean Air Rule Is a Moral Imperative for Future Generations | Commentary

August 21, 2012 Press Release


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029


Clay Applauds EPA Unilateral Administrative Order to

Force Asbestos Removal at Carter Carburetor Superfund Site

March 30, 2011 Press Release
$27 Million Superfund Project Will Protect Children, Spur Neighborhood Development
February 9, 2011 Press Release
Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri announced today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting grant applications for $1.2 million in funding to support projects designed to research, educate, empower and enable communities to understan
September 27, 2010 Press Release
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting a public hearing next Monday, October 4th, at 6pm on the future of the Carter Carburetor Superfund Site at the Herbert Hoover Boys & Girls Club, 2901 North Grand.