Senate Republican Conference Elects Leadership for 116th Congress

WASHINGTON — This morning the Senate Republican Conference elected its leadership team for the 116th Congress: Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as Senate Republican leader, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) as Senate president pro tempore, John Thune (R-S.D.) as Senate Republican whip, John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) as Senate Republican Conference chairman, Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) as Senate Republican Policy Committee chairman, Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) as Senate Republican Conference vice chairman, and Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) as National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman.


“It is my honor to have been asked by my colleagues to continue serving as Majority Leader. I look forward to working alongside this talented leadership team to honor our colleagues’ trust and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. The American people re-hired this Republican majority to build on the successes of the past two years and keep delivering results for them. We intend to do exactly that,” Sen. McConnell said.

“This is an honor for me and the state of Iowa. The President pro tempore is one of a handful of offices specifically named by the Founders in the Constitution,” Sen. Grassley said. “I may only be three heartbeats away from the Oval Office, but my heart is and always will be in Iowa and here in the U.S. Senate, where I’ve worked for the people of Iowa and our nation for 38 years. My commitment to representative government and the deliberative body of the U.S. Senate is stronger than ever. I’ll work to see that we uphold the Senate as a check on the executive and judicial branches of government, including our constitutional authority to provide advice and consent.”


“During the 115th Congress, Republicans came together to achieve significant reforms for the American people,” Sen. Thune said. “I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue this important work in a new role as Senate Majority whip. By working together with Leader McConnell, President Trump, and our colleagues in the House, I am confident we will be able to build on our recent achievements — ensuring our economy keeps growing and the quality of life for all Americans continues to improve.”


“I am honored my colleagues have given me the opportunity to chair the Republican Conference. Our expanded Republican majority will continue working hard on issues that are important to the people of Wyoming and all Americans: good jobs, quality healthcare, lower energy costs and a safe and secure nation. We will continue filling vacancies in the federal judicial system with qualified, mainstream judges. I am grateful for my colleagues’ trust. I look forward to working with the Conference and the administration to find solutions to the challenges facing our country,” Sen. Barrasso said.


“It’s an honor to continue serving in the Republican leadership in the Senate and I thank my colleagues for their support. Working together and with the Trump administration, we have enacted policies to strengthen our economy, rebuild the military, keep our promises to veterans, and help hardworking families get ahead. I look forward to working with our entire conference to continue advancing policies that reflect the priorities of the people we serve,” Sen. Blunt said.


“I want to thank my colleagues for the tremendous opportunity to represent them in leadership. The Senate Republican conference is strong and will only get better the more we work together. I seek to serve as a strong voice in leadership, while also bringing new ideas and a fresh face to the team. Whether I am fighting for our servicemembers and our country’s global interests, or finding solutions to rural America’s challenges – I seek to make Iowans and all Americans proud,” Sen. Ernst said.


“I’m grateful that my colleagues have elected me to serve as Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. I look forward to bringing Indiana’s voice to the leadership table as we work to strengthen and protect our Majority and continue building on the Republican-led accomplishments of the last two years,” Sen. Young said.