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It was great to have the opportunity to speak with the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the Honorable J. Russell George, about how the IRS works with law enforcement to address scamming.

Click the picture above to watch the video.

Back in NE02

Usually I start off telling about the meetings I had the previous weekend: who I met with, where and what it was about. But, I thought I’d start off with what I did today. I arrived in Omaha this morning and went straight to visit with William King at The Boss 95.7 FM. William and I always engage in thoughtful conversation about issues facing the community and I really enjoy the time I spend with him on his show. He and I agree that having civil dialogue does not mean you have to agree on everything, but that you discuss everything without disrupting the opportunity for everyone to express their thoughts and interests. I hear from many people who share with me a growing concern about the direction of politics in America.  We have seen town halls turn into shouting matches, protests too vile to broadcast on television due to FCC rules, and private events for school kids shut down by people whose main goals seems to be to disrupt and intimidate. Now more than ever, I believe we need to raise the bar in our discussions. Not everything must be turned into an outrage. Spirited and passionate conversation is an essential part of our democracy and we must continue to strive towards a more civil and respectful discourse. Civil exchanges of ideas present a great opportunity to discuss, share and learn.

Speaking of learning, I visited with a Government Class at Westside High School and discussed my background, the election process and my experience so far in Congress. The students were eager to learn and eager to share with me what they are learning.

I also met with Defense Contractors to hear their concerns and learn about issues that I deal with as part of my duties as a member of the House Armed Services Committee. Finally, I spent some time with representatives of the mental health community to hear their inputs about what needs to be done to take care of those suffering from mental illness.

As I mentioned earlier, I will be hosting town halls in the near future and will be releasing that schedule as logistics come together. I look forward to meeting and hearing from constituents in my district.

Working in Washington

On top of voting in support of several pieces of legislation this week in the House, I had the honor to re-introduced the “Kerrie Orozco Act.” The legislation allows the immediate relatives of first responders who die in the line of duty to continue to process their immigration application in a timely manner despite the death of their loved one.

Every time our first responders go to work, put their physical safety and lives on the line we owe it to them to take care of their families and ensure that they can have peace of mind.

Under current law, the surviving family members of first responders who have pending immigration applications face delays in the naturalization process. The legislation provides the same courtesy that is given to the families of men and women in uniform who are killed.

Yesterday, President Trump took decisive action against the Syrian Government, led by Bashar Al-Assad. The actions of President Assad use of chemical weapons are unforgivable and incompatible with a civilized world. The situation in Syria is extremely complex and both the Assad regime and ISIS are guilty of unfathomable evil against innocent people. 

It is critical that the President establish a clear strategy and end-goal with regards to Syria and consult with Congress before taking further military action, as is required under the constitution. This strategy should address the need to partner with our allies and provide for the safety, shelter, and resources for refugees in safe havens close to their home country to facilitate their safe return once peace has been established. Congress must evaluate the proposed strategy and vote on an authorization for the use of military forces.

As always, thank you for reading and feel free to reach out to my office at any time. Click here to view my voting record, and click here to contact my office.

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