
Animal Welfare

As a member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, I have been working in Congress to prevent animal cruelty and abuse.

Armed Services

I believe a strong national defense is critically important to protect our citizens from harm and to preserve the liberties we cherish.

Budget and Taxes

It is vital that we take decisive action to reduce our federal deficit while continuing to make targeted investments to spur economic growth and combat high unemployment.

Children and Families

I am working to raise the living standards of our working families and ensure that children born into poverty have the same opportunity to achieve the American Dream as any other child in our country.


I am proud to have been a primary author of the first comprehensive cybersecurity legislation to have passed either chamber of Congress.


As a founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus, I am committed to the full implementation and enforcement of disability nondiscrimination laws.


Investing in our children’s education not only has long-term benefits for our economy, but it also delivers on our nation’s promise to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Election and Campaign Finance Reform

Changing the way business in Washington is done and making our government more transparent and accountable to the public is one of my highest priorities.

Energy and Environment

I continue to work to protect our energy security and our environment.

Gun Safety

While I support the Second Amendment, I believe enhancing gun control laws will make our schools, neighborhoods, and communities safer.

Health Care

One of my top goals in Congress has been the establishment of a universal health care system that increases quality, affordability, efficiency and choice for families and businesses across America.


I am committed to passing comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Jobs and Economy

I am committed to ensuring that Congress focuses on common-sense legislation to address job creation and tax cuts that help all Americans.

LGBT Rights

I will continue to join all supporters of LGBT rights in fighting for equal justice, fair treatment and inclusion throughout all aspects of our society.

Rhode Island

My work in Congress is directly tied to the unique policy concerns of Rhode Islanders.

Small Business

Congress must support the growth of America’s small businesses and help stimulate the engine of this nation’s economy.

Social Security and Retirement Security

Social Security is more than just retirement income. It is an essential safety net protecting our seniors, disabled workers, and their families and is one of the most successful federal programs ever created.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Our transportation system is the lifeblood of our economy and its upkeep has been sadly neglected.


I am working to ensure that all of our veterans receive the benefits they were promised and the recognition they deserve.