Monday, November 5, 2018

Valley voices welcome water breakthrough

As you may know, after a years long fight, the Valley recently saw some vital progress in improving our water supply. Please watch the short video below about President Trump's executive actions on California water, how they came about, and how they will affect the San Joaquin Valley.

Monday, October 22, 2018

A Big Win in the California Water Wars

President Trump signed a presidential memorandum that will significantly improve California's water supply, particularly in the San Joaquin Valley. The president's action will remove bureaucratic obstacles that will enable more water to be directed toward Valley farmers, families, and communities. Having watched the Valley's water crisis deepen for many years, I can say this is the most meaningful presidential action on the issue in decades.

Along with other Republican congressmen, I joined President Trump for the signing ceremony. To watch video of the signing, click on the video below.

To watch video of my remarks at the signing, click on the video below. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Academy Night 2018

Last night I was honored to visit with students, parents, and military leaders at my U.S. Service Academy Night in Clovis. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in the evening. If you or someone you know is interested in a military academy education, please visit this link on my website. The nomination deadline is November 15.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Media stalks Nunes family again

As you may have seen in recent news coverage, the mainstream media and left-wing activists have been harassing my wife, uncle, and even my 98-year-old grandmother. The latest attack is on my parents and my brother. You can read about it at this link

Thursday, September 27, 2018

High Speed Rail has Become a High Priced Boondoggle

As Governor Jerry Brown struggles to press forward with his over-budget high-speed rail boondoggle, please click on the picture below to watch a short video about the project's effects on farmers and Valley residents.  

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Video: What's causing the California water crisis?

Once again, the San Joaquin Valley is feeling the effects of our man-made water crisis. Click on the image below to watch a short video about some of the misguided policies and counter-productive responses that are creating severe problems for Valley families and farmers: