
On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: McConnell Amdt. No. 2916)

Position: Nay
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2915 (Paul) to H.R. 3762: To restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.

Position: Nay
Result: Amendment Rejected

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2888 (Coats) to H.R. 3762: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the special rule for seniors relating to the income level for deduction of medical care expenses, and for other purposes.

Position: Nay
Result: Amendment Agreed to

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2899 (Paul) to H.R. 3762: To prevent the entry of extremists into the United States under the refugee program, and for other purposes.

Position: Nay
Result: Amendment Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Bennet Amdt. No. 2907)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Manchin Amdt. No. 2908)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Grassley Amdt. No. 2914)

Position: Nay
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Feinstein Amdt. No. 2910)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Cornyn Amdt. No. 2912)

Position: Nay
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Shaheen Amdt. No. 2892)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2882 (Heller) to H.R. 3762: To strike the reinstatement of the tax on employee health insurance premiums and health plan benefits.

Position: Yea
Result: Amendment Agreed to

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Casey Amdt. No. 2893)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2885 (Collins) to H.R. 3762: To improve the bill.

Position: Yea
Result: Amendment Rejected

On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Brown Amdt. No. 2883)

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Rejected

On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2875 (Johnson) to H.R. 3762: To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to ensure that individuals can keep their health insurance coverage.

Position: Yea
Result: Amendment Rejected

On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2876 to S.Amdt. 2874 to H.R. 3762 (Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015)

Position: Nay
Result: Motion to Table Agreed to

On the Nomination PN420: Gayle Smith, of Ohio, to be Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development

Position: Yea
Result: Nomination Confirmed

On the Nomination PN629: Peter William Bodde, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to Libya

Position: Yea
Result: Nomination Confirmed

Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Disagree to the House Amendment, Agree to the Request for Conference, and Authorize the Presiding Officer to Appoint Conferees Re: S. 1177

Position: Yea
Result: Cloture Motion Agreed to

On the Joint Resolution in the Senate
S.J.Res. 23: A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a ...

Position: Nay
Result: Joint Resolution Passed

On the Joint Resolution in the Senate
S.J.Res. 24: A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a ...

Position: Nay
Result: Joint Resolution Passed

On the Nomination PN15: LaShann Moutique DeArcy Hall, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York

Position: Yea
Result: Nomination Confirmed

On the Motion (Wicker Motion to Instruct Conferees (Re: Combination Length Limitations))

Position: Yea
Result: Motion Agreed to

Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Disagree to the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 22, Agree to the Request for Conference, and Authorize Conferees to be Appointed

Position: Yea
Result: Cloture Motion Agreed to

On Passage of the Bill in the Senate
H.R. 2029: Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016

Position: Yea
Result: Bill Passed