Garrett Statement on Court of Appeals Ruling Gutting the Origination Clause

Jul 30, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), chairman of the Congressional Constitution Caucus, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s ruling in the Sissel vs. HHS case:

“The judges got it wrong.  According to the Supreme Court, ObamaCare is constitutional because it’s a tax, and there’s just no other way to put it.  Consequently, per the Constitution, the Origination Clause must be followed.  The Origination Clause states that revenue raising bills must start in the House of Representatives. It is a plain and simple fact that ObamaCare originated in the Senate.  Therefore, if the court wished to follow precedent, it should have thrown the law out.  What we have now, instead, is a convoluted attempt—by a packed court—to justify the complete obfuscation of a very simple Constitutional clause.  I look forward to the Supreme Court promptly reviewing this ruling. If allowed to stand, this precedent would create a whole new exception to the Origination Clause that would eviscerate the requirements that all measures which tax the people must come from the people’s house.”

The opinion can be found here.  And the briefs in the case can be found here.
