
Veterans Affairs

As the daughter, spouse, and sister of veterans, Congresswoman Maloney honors the millions of veterans who live across the country and in New York for their service and sacrifice. Throughout her time in Congress, Congresswoman Maloney has fought to ensure that our returning heroes receive the care and services they deserve.

Women's Issues

Since coming to Congress, Congresswoman Maloney has worked tirelessly as an advocate and leader for women. She has placed a special emphasis on women’s health needs, reproductive freedom, international family planning, and securing women’s equality in the Constitution.

Seniors and Social Security

Since her election to Congress, Representative Carolyn Maloney has worked to get senior citizens the care and resources they need and deserve.


Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney always works to improve the quality of life in her district and has focused on transportation issues that impact the lives of thousands of New Yorkers on a daily basis.

Working Families

It can be difficult to juggle both work and family, which is why Congresswoman Maloney has worked in Congress to advance legislation that supports working families. She was a proud supporter of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Congresswoman Maloney also fully supports an increase in the federal minimum wage and has authored legislation that would expand workforce protections to support working families.

Protecting Animals

During her time in Congress, Congresswoman Maloney has consistently supported efforts to ensure the humane treatment of animals.

Financial Services

Financial Services is a key industry for the New York City economy and one of the biggest job creators in the region. As the senior New York Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, Congresswoman Maloney believes one of her chief tasks is to maintain the preeminence of New York City as the world’s financial center. Since coming to Congress, she has advocated for modernization of financial services regulation, state-of-the-art consumer protection and vigilant oversight of the safety-and-soundness of the banking sector. She is committed to defending the health of our financial institutions so that they can lead our economic recovery.

Energy and Environment

Throughout her time in Congress, Congresswoman Maloney has been an advocate for national energy policies that increase energy independence, protect the environment, and use natural resources responsibly. Development of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures are critical to meeting these goals, as well as developing policies for clean water and sustainable energy.


As a former educator, Congresswoman Maloney understands the importance of a quality education. She is a strong advocate for college affordability, investing in K-12 schools, and providing early childhood education for all families. She also is a national leader in the fight to prevent sexual assault on college campuses.

Local Issues

Nothing is more important to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney than the quality of life in her district. She is proud of the work she has done to improve infrastructure, preserve historic neighborhoods, fight for better zoning and create schools in her district.

LGBT Rights

Congresswoman Maloney is a longtime and a strong supporter of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights. In Congress, she is a member of the LGBT Equality Caucus and a strong supporter of anti-discrimination legislation, including the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Student Non-Discrimination Act, the Equality Act, and other federal measures to expand and protect the rights of LGBT individuals. In 1986, she also introduced the first domestic partnership legislation in New York City history.


Congresswoman Maloney understands that the health of her constituents and all American citizens has to be prioritized for the country to grow and thrive.

Foreign Affairs

The world is truly a global community, and Congresswoman Maloney is proud that her district is home to a diverse population of thousands of people whose ancestries trace back to all parts of the world. The Congresswoman believes that America should continue to strengthen its relations with other nations politically, economically, culturally, and socially.

Gun Safety

Gun violence continues to be a major problem plaguing communities across the country. The massacres at Virginia Tech University, Fort Hood, Texas, Tucson, Arizona, Aurora, Colorado, and Newtown, Connecticut serve as reminders that we need to fight for commonsense policies to make Americans safer.


As a member of Congress and the Ranking Member on the Joint Economic Committee, Congresswoman Maloney is committed to making sure the economy works for everyone. Congress must ensure that the middle class and working families share in economic growth.

Homeland Security

Nobody knows the importance of homeland security better than New Yorkers. Congresswoman Maloney is working to ensure New York is prepared for, and working to prevent, future terrorist attacks.

Overseas Americans

Millions of Americans, including military personnel and civilians, live and work across the world. Although they live overseas, many of these U.S. citizens continue to vote and pay taxes in the U.S. Whether or not they work for American businesses overseas, they help increase exports of American goods and services because they traditionally buy American goods, sell American goods, and create business opportunities for U.S. companies and workers.


It is important for any civil society to maintain an effective, responsive and well-managed legal system that protects people's rights and safety. Despite some progress, the U.S. still has much work to do to address systemic problems within our justice system.

Oversight and Government Reform

Since coming to Congress in 1992, Carolyn Maloney has served on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. This committee has jurisdiction to investigate any federal program and any matter with federal policy implications. Congresswoman Maloney also sits on the Government Operations subcommittee and previously served on the National Security Subcommittee and as the ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Census.

Human Trafficking

Every year, thousands of men, women and children around the world are trafficked into the United States to be sold for commercial sex and labor. Human trafficking is the fastest growing and the third-largest criminal activity in the world. This exploitation of young women, men, and children is a tragic human rights offense.

Campaign Finance Reform

Throughout her career Congresswoman Maloney has been a strong supporter of campaign finance reform. She believes those with money should not have greater influence over elections than the average American voter. That is why she is deeply concerned about the Supreme Court’s rulings in Citizens United and McCutcheon, which rolled back important reforms that reigned in the influence of money in politics.


As the former Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census, Congresswoman Maloney knows the importance of the census and other federal data programs. She fought to ensure that the 2000 and 2010 Census would be fair and accurate, and is working to ensure the 2020 census will be as well. The importance of accurate data cannot be minimized. Decennial census data is used to ensure fair representation and the fair distribution of federal funds.

9/11 Health and Compensation

The September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center continue to have serious and lasting impacts on New York and its residents. From long-term health problems, to extensive job loss, to extreme difficulty making mortgage and rental payments or keeping a small business going, thousands of New Yorkers continue to deal first hand with the aftermath of the disaster. My top priority since 9/11 has been to strengthen the federal response in each area of the recovery and to ensure that adequate federal aid is provided to the city for each specific needs that emerged from the disaster.


America’s history is rooted in the strength of immigrants. New Yorkers have a special understanding of how America’s melting pot can create a rich tapestry of ethnic, cultural and religious traditions that infuse vitality into the economic and social aspects of our communities. Throughout her time in Congress, Congresswoman Maloney has made immigration issues a priority, and she strongly believes that by protecting the rights of workers, securing the border, and modernizing our pathway to legal immigration, the hope that we can fix a broken system will become a reality. Congresswoman Maloney will continue to fight in Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship, keep families intact, create a level playing field, and improve the nation’s economy.

Israel and Jewish Issues

Throughout her years in Congress Congresswoman Maloney has been a vocal proponent for a close relationship between the United States and Israel. Israel is a strong American ally and the only real democracy in the Middle East. Congresswoman Maloney has stood with her constituents to support Israel at rallies in her district, as well as on the floor of the House.

Protecting Consumers

Congresswoman Maloney has been an effective and tenacious champion for consumers. Her Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act has saved consumers $12 billion a year since it was signed into law in 2009.