
  • Energy and Mineral Resources

    Energy and Mineral Resources

    The Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources oversees these valuable public resources, ensuring they are developed in a safe and equitable manner and that U.S. taxpayers are properly compensated for their use.

  • Federal Lands

    Federal Lands

    From Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Parks, to the Tongass National Forest, to Grand Staircase Escalante and Canyons of the Ancients National Monuments, the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation has jurisdiction over some of the most treasured natural resources in the United States, and the federal agencies tasked with their protection.

  • Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs

    Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs

    As the lone subcommittee with exclusive jurisdiction over Indian and Alaska Native issues in the House of Representatives, the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs oversees matters ranging from natural resources and land management, ownership, and leasing to Indian healthcare, tribal criminal justice, development of reservation economies, and enhancement of social welfare and improvement of energy efficiency and renewable energy development initiatives on tribal lands. With the Subcommittee's broad jurisdiction, Democrats are dedicated to protecting tribal sovereign authority over lands and natural resources and to empowering tribal governments with enhanced self-governance authorities while honoring the federal trust relationship between the United States and Native nations and peoples.

  • Oversight and Investigations

    Oversight and Investigations

    The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee was created in the 114th Congress. It has jurisdiction over each agency and program overseen by the House Committee on Natural Resources and its subcommittees.

  • Water, Power and Oceans

    Water, Power and Oceans

    The Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans has jurisdiction over the Bureau of Reclamation, the Water Division of the United States Geological Survey, and the four Federal Power Marketing Administrations. It also has jurisdiction over the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's ocean, coastal and fisheries programs.