Legislative: On Federal Land Management Bills

Federal Lands Date: Thursday, June 21, 2018 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Longworth House Office Building 1324


  • H.R. 4599 (Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton of D.C.), To redesignate Rock Creek Park in the District of Columbia as Rock Creek National Park. Rock Creek National Park Act of 2017.
  • H.R. 5148 (Rep. Greg Gianforte of Montana), To release certain wilderness study areas in the State of Montana. Protect Public Use of Public Lands Act.
  • H.R. 5149 (Rep. Greg Gianforte of Montana), To provide that certain wilderness study areas in Montana have been adequately studied for wilderness designation. Unlocking Public Lands Act.
  • H.R. 5613 (Rep. Kevin Yoder of Kansas), To designate the Quindaro Townsite in Kansas City, Kansas, as a National Historic Landmark, and for other purposes. Quindaro Townsite National Historic Landmark Act.
  • H.R. 5727 (Rep. John Curtis of Utah), To establish the San Rafael Swell Western Heritage and Historic Mining National Conservation Area in the State of Utah, to designate wilderness areas in the State, to provide for certain land conveyances, and for other purposes. Emery County Public Land Management Act of 2018.


  1. The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton
    Member of Congress
    District of Columbia At-Large
  2. The Honorable Greg Gianforte
    Member of Congress
    Montana At-Large
  3. Mr. Chris French
    Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest System
    Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Washington , D.C.
  4. The Honorable Greg Chilcott
    County Commissioner
    Ravalli County, Montana
    Hamilton , Montana
  5. Ms. Tracy Stone-Manning
    Associate Vice President for Public Lands
    National Wildlife Federation
    Missoula , Montana
  6. Mr. Brian Steed
    Deputy Director, Policy and Programs
    Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior
    Washington , D.C.
  7. The Honorable Kevin Yoder
    Member of Congress
    Kansas's 3rd District
  8. Mr. Marvin S. Robinson II
    Independent Volunteer Researcher
    Quindaro Ruins/Underground Railroad – Exercise 2019
    Kansas City , Kansas
  9. The Honorable John Curtis
    Member of Congress
    Utah's 3rd District
  10. The Honorable Randy Johnson
    County Commissioner
    Emery County, Utah
    Castla Dale , Utah