Innovation & Technology

I am a strong believer that innovation is what America does best. And that technology and science-driven policies are how we can best meet many of our 21st century challenges.

New Mexico — with our national labs, universities, and military installations — holds much promise to lead the nation in innovation and technology. The very character of our state has been shaped by hard work and a history of innovation. The technology industry, both public and private, supports nearly 50,000 jobs, at over 2,000 technology establishments throughout New Mexico.

No area of innovation and science will be more important than in our nation’s ability to tackle climate change and to lead the world in clean energy technology. The frontiers of human knowledge can be boundless, and if we harness them, will continue to fuel our nation’s prosperity. 


  • Udall, Heinrich, Lujan Grisham Announce $20 Million from NSF for NM SMART Grid Center at UNM

    WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich and U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that the University of New Mexico (UNM) was awarded a $20 million, five-year grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create the New Mexico SMART (Sustainable, Modular, Adaptive, Resilient and Transactive) Grid Center, an interdisciplinary research and education program to help support development of a modern electric grid. The center will coalesce ongoing independent research efforts throughout New Mexico in academia, national laboratories and industry under the umbrella of a unified, integrated program.  Read More

  • Udall, Heinrich, Luján Announce $1.48 Million For Los Alamos Electric Buses

    "Once again, Los Alamos is leading the way, this time by making the transition to all electric public transit," said Heinrich, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.  "The electrification of the transportation sector, including public transit, will be critical in solving our climate and carbon pollution challenges.  I am proud to support this grant for Los Alamos as it helps to accelerate the transition to an emission free transportation sector."  Read More

  • Udall, Heinrich, Luján Announce $667K To Navajo Technical University To Expand Broadband Access For Native Students

    "An upgraded broadband network will be a game changer not only for Navajo Tech, but also for expanded internet access in the entire Crownpoint community. We need to expand broadband connectivity in Indian Country so all of our students and children can compete on an even playing field and learn the skills they need to build 21st century careers," said Heinrich, who is working to advance his bipartisan Tribal Connect Act to improve broadband connectivity in Indian Country. “Broadband access is vital to improving education, tele-health services, and job-training opportunities. As the Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, I am committed to making more forward-looking investments like this to ensure all of our children have the opportunity to learn and succeed.”  Read More

  • Udall, Heinrich, Lujan Grisham Announce $3.5 Million in NSF Grants to UNM for Transmission Electron Microscope, Professional Development for HS Teachers

    WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich and U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham announced two funding awards to the University of New Mexico (UNM), totaling $3.5 million, from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The awards will enable UNM to acquire a transmission electron microscope for state-of-the-art research, and will fund the creation of an online professional development program for high school science and mathematics teachers. Together, these initiatives aim to enhance science and computer education for students across New Mexico. Read More

  • Senator admits he's been targeted by possible Russian hackers

    Senator Heinrich, Democrat from New Mexico and a member of the Intelligence Committee, gives insight into Russian hacking and admits he and his family have been targeted: "In today's world that kind of activity, especially spear-fishing, happens all the time," adding, “You certainly can’t be shocked" if the hackers were backed by the Russian government. Read More