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Agriculture is the backbone of our local economy. Our region features a wide variety of agricultural products, from specialty crops to dairy and livestock. I have had the privilege of visiting countless farms across our region and speak with local growers about the issues they face every day. I have used this valuable input to make informed decisions and enact policies that support our local agricultural industries.

I have advocated for local farmers as a leader of the Congressional Wine Caucus, the Northeast Agriculture Caucus, and the Congressional Dairy Caucus. These caucus’ allow Members from across the country and political spectrum to come together and develop practical solutions to the issues that impact farmers, including trade, taxes, research, and crop insurance.

One issue that is critically important to local producers is the ability to access a reliable and stable workforce. I am working with my colleagues to improve the H-2A guest worker visa program by modernizing and streamlining the application process.  In addition, I cosponsored HR 281, the Family Farm Relief Act. This bill would allow visa applicants to file H-2A applications online, require the Department of Agriculture to create a user-friendly online system, and end burdensome requirements on advertising and prevailing practice surveys.

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