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  • Trump was right to leave flawed climate pact
    Posted in Articles on June 12, 2017 | Preview rr

    This article was published in The Beaumont Enterprise on Sunday, June 11, 2017. With the amount of attention we give to news cycles and social media news feeds, chances are you have seen the words "Paris Climate Accord" or some variation plenty of times in the last week. In light of the eruption of articles, we must remember, a headline and the first paragraph of an article are not enough to fully explain the implications both of the Accord and of the president's decision to withdraw from it. Read more

  • My battle to halt EPA power grab
    Posted in Articles on February 1, 2016 | Preview rr

    It’s time to ditch the EPA’s regulation to redefine the “waters of the United States”. This is yet another action by the agency to expand the scope of its regulatory reach and is an unprecedented assault on our economy. Congress must rein in the EPA’s powers. On June 29, the EPA announced a final rule that expanded the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act, historically only those defined as “navigable waters”. This regulation breeds confusion by poorly and broadly redefining “navi... Read more

  • The #LastSOTU for President Obama
    Posted in Articles on January 13, 2016 | Preview rr

    [View the story "The #LastSOTU for President Obama" on Storify] Read more

  • We have been here before
    Posted in Articles on September 28, 2015 | Preview rr

    On Sunday, the President addressed the United Nations to urge action on the Syrian migrant crisis. European countries have seen a deluge of refugees fleeing Syria because of the oppressive Assad regime and ISIL. To quote the late Yogi Berra, “it’s déjà vu all over again.” We’ve been here before. Syrians fearing persecution have been fleeing for years. Now we are seeing a mass exodus and the entire world clamors. Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2012, there have been roughly 250,000... Read more

  • Trade: Good for Texas, Good for America
    Posted in Articles on June 14, 2015 | Preview rr

    For as large as the American economy is, a staggering 96 percent of the world’s customers reside outside of the United States. Given this number, there are seemingly limitless opportunities to connect American goods and services with people across the globe if only we could tear down the barriers that other countries put in the way. The economic impact on our country would result in more jobs, higher incomes, and greater security. For our trading partners, it would mean improved access to Americ... Read more

  • Weber and Staff Visit Texas District 14
    Posted in Articles on May 14, 2015 | Preview rr

    [<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story "Weber and Staff Tour District 14" on Storify</a>] Read more

  • EPA has too much authority
    Posted in Articles on April 30, 2015 | Preview rr

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has greatly expanded its authority over our economy since 2009, resulting in an increase in regulations that add to an uncertain business climate and chill investment in critical sectors. As Chairman of the Energy Subcommittee and member of the Environment Subcommittee on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, I have made it my priority to rein in the EPA from promulgating rules and regulations that impede our industry’s competitiveness and u... Read more

  • Iran nuclear deal endangers all Americans
    Posted in Articles on April 1, 2015 | Preview rr

    On November 4, 1979, a group of radical religious extremists stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking American citizens and diplomats hostage. For 444 days, 52 Americans were chained, humiliated and tortured. Instead of condemning this horrendous act, the Iranian ruling authority has consistently praised these terrorists as patriots, and commemorated this event as a day of celebration. Sadly, the Obama Administration is anxious to make a deal with this very same radical regime. Instead of stan... Read more

  • Congress, Administration must act to focus resources on NASA’s core mission
    Posted in Articles on February 14, 2015 | Preview rr

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was founded in 1958 to support our nation’s space exploration and scientific advancement. For decades, NASA has played an important role in encouraging young Americans to pursue careers in math, science, technology, and engineering. It has always been on the cutting edge of attracting new ideas, new talent, and new businesses, and has helped facilitate the ability of America to achieve the ultimate high ground in any military conflict. For... Read more

  • SOTU Recap - 2015
    Posted in Articles on January 20, 2015 | Preview rr

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