U.S. Representative Jared Polis

Science & Technology

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America’s future success, economic prosperity, and domestic security are contingent on our leadership in science and technology. With institutions like the University of Colorado, Colorado State University, the National Institute for Science and Technology, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and private sector businesses like IBM, Google, and Ball Aerospace calling Colorado’s Second Congressional District home, we are no strangers to innovation. Addressing climate change, modernizing our transportation networks, protecting Internet freedom, and making our homes more efficient is America’s 21st century challenge. These technologies will reduce water consumption, break our addiction to foreign oil, expand commerce, and power our future. They are being created and perfected right in our backyard, and Jared is working in Congress to ensure that our universities and labs are getting the best resources for their work.

Internet Freedom

As an entrepreneur and creator of several successful Internet start-ups, Jared has long been an ardent supporter of an open and free Internet. The Internet has proven to be one of, if not the, most important innovations of our lifetimes. Therefore, it is imperative that Internet freedoms Americans enjoy today misguide government or private sector censorship. Oppressive regimes across the globe have attempted to censor the Internet and muzzle free speech, while others seek to control the Internet for economic purposes. This is why it is the responsibility of Congress to ensure access to a free and open Internet for all Americans. Jared has been instrumental in stopping legislation like SOPA and PIPA that sought to introduce heavy-handed government censorship into the Internet. He is also a leader in Congress in calling for an end to privacy abuses carried out under the guise of national security that have endangered the Internet's core function as a tool of innovation, democracy, and free exchange of thought.


Addressing the challenges of climate change is a priority for this Congress and a pillar of Jared's legislative agenda. As Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), a focused, action-based caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, Jared is urging his colleagues in Congress to support progress on this issue, not only in our labs, but also through collaborative research done across America and throughout the world. 

To ensure our children’s future, we need to ensure that our next generation of scientists is getting the training they need to be leaders in their field. Jared is working for education reforms, ensuring that every classroom has a skilled, well-credentialed science teacher. We know that science learning happens both in and outside the classroom, which is why Jared supports Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) training programs in our parks and museums.  A lifelong love of learning, particularly for those who are underrepresented in the science fields, begins with a personal connection. Science is a factor of health care policy, as well, and Jared supports research that allows us all to live longer, healthier lives.


The researchers at facilities, such as the National Renewable Energy Research Lab in Jefferson County Colorado do our country no good if their results sit on a shelf. Jared uses his private-sector experience to find ways to promote new technologies and encourage the private sector, in turn creating jobs that produce efficient vehicles appliances and fuels that will give us clean power and energy independence.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Jared launched the bipartisan House Caucus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship to promote legislation that will help new and small businesses grow and create jobs to put America back to work. The Caucus is educating Congress on the importance of innovation and the prominent role start-up companies play in job creation. To grow a sustainable 21st-century economy, it is imperative that Congress does everything it can to support the small businesses that are the backbone of our nation.

To support this endeavor, Jared and Republican Rep. Darrell Issa launched Startup Day Across America -- an annual event in lawmakers from across the country and both sides of the aisle meet with startups and entrepreneurs in their home districts to learn about the challenges new businesses face and discuss how those challenges can be addressed through sound public policy.

Office Contact: For more information or questions about technology, small business, or Internet freedom please contact Hilary Gawrilow in the Washington office. For questions about energy, transportation, or aerospace, please contact Blaine-Miller-McFeeley, also in the Washington office. You can also visit Congressman Polis' Legislation Page or find information on bills and amendments that he’s cosponsored in Congress.

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