U.S. Representative Jared Polis

Energy & Environment

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Colorado’s lands, air and water are the heart of our state’s character, and sustain our livelihoods. Visitors from across the globe come to Colorado year-round to get a taste of what we’re surrounded by every day. In Colorado, we see first-hand that the health of our environment directly relates to the health of our citizens and the health of our economy. We owe it to future generations to protect everything around us that we love. 

America is a beautiful, innovative country, but for too long, we have ignored the poisonous pollution leaking into our skies and rivers. It’s past time to act. Jared is committed to the fight for cleaner air, cleaner water, and preservation of our public lands and natural resources. We must reject the false choice between a clean planet and economic prosperity. As Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), an action-based caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, Jared is working with his colleagues in the Congress and the Administration to advance policies that recognize this important priority.

Climate Change

The threat of global climate change is undoubtedly the most challenging and important environmental issue of our time and the science is clear - the world’s climate scientists know that human caused climate change is real. In Colorado, we already see the first-hand effects of a changing climate and its impact on our ecosystems including flooding, droughts, and more intense storms. Our state’s recreation-based industries have a lot to lose as well: threatening skiing, hiking and backpacking, rafting, fishing, and wildlife dependent activities. Backcountry enthusiasts flock to Colorado to enjoy our natural wonders; global climate change could damage this important sector of Colorado’s economy. Simply put, Colorado has a vested stake in the health of our world’s climate.  

We should put science before special interests as we shape public policy. Together, we must change our attitudes and behavior to slow the dangerous pattern of global climate change. 

EPA Climate Change

US Climate Change Science Program

US Climate Change Technology Program

Climate Leaders - EPA

Public Lands

Colorado’s landscape goes hand in hand with its people and its character, and we are lucky to have so many beautiful places set aside as public lands. Colorado’s economy relies on the health of those public lands and draws masses of visitors every year to explore everything from Rocky Mountain National Park to the Indian Peaks Wilderness, from hiking the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness to skiing on our world-class slopes in the White River National Forest.

It is imperative that we keep these lands pristine. We should give every child who grows up in our state the ability to develop an appreciation for, and personal tie to, the land. Environmental protection and lands stewardship where necessary, directly affects our public health, our local economies and the world our children will encounter.   

Jared is working with his colleagues to ensure that our public lands continue to be protected not only for our future generations but also for the sake of maintaining their natural state and the wildlife and vegetation that depend on it.  He is also supporting new wilderness areas that will protect these lands while never forgetting the people that live on their boundaries and enjoy recreating in them.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Arapaho National Forest and Roosevelt National Forest

Bark Beetle - Frequently Asked Questions

Wildlife Fire Management

White River National Forest

Pike and San Isabel National Forest and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (PSICC)

Energy Development

Our nation has a serious addiction to fossil fuels. We must reduce our reliance on foreign sources of oil, but it is incorrect to assume that the solution is with oil and gas production here at home, especially near our homes and schools or in pristine, critical habitat like Thompson Divide, or anywhere oil shale production is planned.

For years now, our country has fallen victim to a shortsighted energy policy that feeds our addiction and fattens the pockets of energy company executives the world over. It is now time to think about energy in a holistic, sustainable and long-term way. By encouraging long-term investments in renewable, clean energy, we can create millions of jobs, and we can make a rapid change for the better.

Our nation’s energy future won’t be found under Colorado’s mountains, in Canada’s oil sands, Alaska’s wildlife refuges or on the Outer Continental Shelf.  We have to secure a long term Production Tax Credit that will grow rapid investment in green jobs workforce training that will help drive down costs. We must form a responsible carbon dividend policy that will help spur innovation, invest in new technologies, and sustainable communities that save our planet.

Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

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Energy Star

Office Contact: For more information on or questions about energy and environment issues, please contact Blaine Miller-McFeeley in the Washington office. You can also visit Congressman Polis' Legislation Page or find information on bills and amendments that he’s cosponsored in Congress. 

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