Press Release

Rep. Blackburn's Statement Honoring Staff Sergeant Justin Peck

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Washington, January 31, 2018 | comments

WASHINGTON - Honoring a True American Hero: Staff Sergeant Justin Peck

A true hero was recognized last night by the President of the United States at the State of the Union address. We knew that Staff Sergeant Justin Peck was an extraordinary man when he enlisted in our United States military. This, alone, is enough to warrant every single Americans upmost respect and reverence. But Staff Sergeant Justin Peck showed his true valor, when he risked his own life to save Chief Petty Officer Kenton Stacy’s life.

Staff Sergeant Justin Peck was conducting a multi-day mission with partner forces in Raqqa, Syria to clear IEDs from a territory controlled by ISIS. While Staff Sergeant Justin Peck was holding a position outside a hospital building, his team member Chief Petty Officer Kenton Stacy was struck by an IED on the second floor. Peck immediately rushed to Stacy’s location, even though the location was not cleared and full of IEDs. With swift action, Peck applied a tourniquet, placed an endotracheal tube, and performed artificial respirations and CPR. Peck is the reason Stacy is still alive.

This young man walked directly into danger to save his team member. These men risk their lives each and every day in order for us, here in the homeland, to be safe. Their sacrifice is beyond measure. Staff Sergeant Justin Peck showed bravery and courage, and was willing to give his own life for the chance to save his friend. Thank you, Staff Sergeant Justin Peck, for your service. America honors you, and we are forever grateful for your sacrifice.



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