Welcome to the website of the Committee on Education and the Workforce at the U.S. House of Representatives. As Chairwoman of the committee, I appreciate your interest in the work we are doing on behalf of students, parents, workers, and employers.

Throughout the 115th Congress, we will continue to advance bold reforms that foster the best opportunities for students to learn, workers to succeed, and employers to grow their businesses.

At all times, we will strive in our service to hold the federal government to the highest standards of accountability, with a constant eye towards eliminating waste and inefficiency.

Our ambitious pursuit of good policy will be guided by the Constitution, and our creative solutions will focus on promoting access to high quality education for students and safe and productive workplaces for working Americans.

House Republicans have put forward a bold agenda that will tackle our toughest challenges and build a stronger, more vibrant, and prosperous nation. Those of us who serve on the committee are ready to do our part to turn that positive vision into reality for all Americans.

Rep. Virginia Foxx
House Committee on Education and the Workforce

Click here to read Chairwoman Foxx's biography.