The Issues

Human & Civil Rights

In the United States, we draw our strength from the strength of our most treasured ideals: that all human beings are created equal and are endowed with equal rights – no matter what they look like, where they come from or who they love. Our success and endurance as a nation depend on our commitment to upholding the promises of freedom and justice written into our founding documents. This generation, like each generation before it, must be vigilant as we strive to protect the equal rights of all who call America home. Democrats are committed to fighting For The People as we work to ensure that America remains a beacon of hope, opportunity and freedom for all.

Republicans in Congress and the White House have abandoned their responsibility to protect our most cherished rights. From attacks on the LGBTQ community, transgendered members of the military, communities of color and our proud immigrant heritage, Republicans continue to undermine the human and civil rights of individuals across the country. Democrats celebrate the beauty, vibrancy and strength of our nation’s diversity and will always fight against racism, xenophobia, acts of hate and ugly, divisive political rhetoric.

Our values demand that the United States stand as a fierce advocate for human rights and combat the forces of bigotry and oppression wherever they exist. We must work to advance abroad the rights that we cherish so deeply here at home: freedom of the press, expression, assembly and religion; respect for the rule of law; and freedom from political persecution. The world calls for our bold leadership, and we can never stop working to build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.


In Congress, Democrats have worked tirelessly to defend civil and human rights both within the United States and beyond our shores.

Here at home:

  • Democrats are leading the fight to pass the Equality Act to remove all doubt that sexual orientation and gender identity warrant civil rights protections in the workplace and in every place.
  • We are also speaking out strongly against the Trump Administration’s anti-LGBT attacks including ending protections for LGBTQ students, rescinding anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ workers, denying visas to foreign diplomats’ same-sex partners and banning brave transgendered Americans from serving in our armed forces.

Around the world:

  • Throughout her career in Congress, Leader Pelosi has stood at the forefront of calls for the Chinese government to respect the rights of its citizens and to end political persecution.
  • Democrats, and all freedom-loving people, will continue to speak out until every Tibetan can learn, worship and live free from persecution and abuse by the Chinese government.
  • We will honor our moral duty to speak out in defense of the Rohingya people, Yazidis and countless other communities seeking to worship and practice their faith free from oppression.
  • We continue to support and defend LGBTQ men and women in Uganda, Chechnya and elsewhere around the world as they fight brutal persecution and physical violence because of who they are and who they love.

We undertake these initiatives to honor the spark of divinity that exists in every man, woman and child. It is our duty as public officials to ensure that no individual is made to suffer for who they are.

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