Pelosi Remarks at the 2016 Global Citizen Festival

New York – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks this evening at the 2016 Global Citizen Festival.  Below are the Leader’s remarks:

“Highest ranking female politician – but not for long!


“Good evening, everyone.  Are there any Global Citizens in the park?


“I thought so.  Wonderful to see you.  Tonight, we celebrate great music and renew our commitment to the vision of Sustainable Development Goals.

“These goals exist because of Global Citizen, because of you – because you stood up and you spoke out and you mobilized to demand that the whole world take action.

“The goals were established because you recognized that we have a role to play in ending poverty, hunger and eradicating disease, protecting our planet and empowering the world’s girls and women to succeed.

“Tonight, I come here with my two grandchildren Thomas and Paul.  And thank you for making the future better – to say how proud of you of Global Citizens, for the vision you have embraced, the work that you have done, and the support that you have given.

“It’s really important for all of us to remember as we set ambitious goals and I thank you for that – that in the life of a child, one year makes a drastic difference.  One day can make the difference between life and death.  So, thank you for the alleviation of poverty – from empowerment, to health, to sanitation, to education to equality.

“Everyone must be reminded how important these goals are.  And so, if a child is facing disease or oppression, she needs a friend like you.

“I think it’s really important for us to remember as we minister to the needs of all of these children in the world, we are making the whole world a better place.  When we help the poor, we help the world.  When we recognize the spark of humanity in every person, we move to make the world a more just place.

“My call to action for you tonight is to know your power.  Know your power to drive change.

“Know your power to advance the vision of a more just and sustainable world.

“Know the power to spread your dreams.  Know the power of your dreams and spread them to bring others to stand with us in these shared goals.

“Global Citizens – let’s hear it from our Global Citizens again.


“Know your power, the power of your vision and use your power.

“Yours are voices that must be heard.  Yours is a vote that must be counted!  Are we all ready to vote?


“The future belongs to you.  Thank you for your willingness to take responsibility for it.  Thank you for making your power felt, your dreams shared and your voices heard.

“Global Citizens, let us vote – and tonight, let’s dance!

“Thank you, all, for letting me share some thoughts with you.”

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