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New York Times: Though Out of Power, Democrats Are Winning the Fight, Pelosi Says

Representative Nancy Pelosi might have retired from Congress had Hillary Clinton been elected, content that she was leaving the government in capable female hands.

“One of the reasons I stayed here is because I thought Hillary Clinton would win, we’d have a woman president and so there would be a woman not at a seat at the table, but at the head of the table for the world,” said Ms. Pelosi, the liberal Californian and longtime leader of House Democrats.

Pelosi Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the Food Stamp Program

On this day, we celebrate 40 transformational years of the Food Stamp Act, a landmark achievement that has lifted up millions of hard-working families and ensured that countless children, seniors, veterans and vulnerable communities have food on the table.  For decades, Democrats have strengthened and modernized this vital initiative, in doing so, have built stronger and healthier communities across America.

Editorial Boards: Latest Trumpcare Bill is the Worst One Yet

Senate Republicans are planning to bring their latest version of Trumpcare (Graham-Cassidy bill) to the floor for a vote next week – putting millions of American families at risk of losing access to affordable health care. With shattering consequences of higher health costs for less coverage, gutting key protections, a crushing age tax, and stealing from Medicaid, hard-working people will suffer just so Republicans can hand massive tax breaks to the rich and corporations.

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