Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration’s Dirty Water Rule

Washington, D.C. – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the President’s new proposal to slash clean water protections for waterways that provide drinking water for tens of millions of Americans:

“The President’s Dirty Water Rule will pollute and poison the clean drinking water of tens of millions of families and communities.  Yet again, this Administration has sold out our children to further enrich its big corporate polluter friends.”

“Since day one, Republicans have put the special interests ahead of the public interest, and have used Washington as a rubber stamp for polluters.  The health of American families in every corner of the country is threatened by a corrupt White House and complicit Congress that have pushed reckless executive orders to undermine clean air and clean water, given dirty power plants the green light to pollute our communities and installed a coal lobbyist at the head of the EPA.

“The American people delivered their verdict against this Administration’s constant attacks on the good health and financial security of their families, and have delivered a visionary Congress that will tackle the climate crisis head-on.  When Democrats take the gavel, we will fight For The People to rebuild America with clean energy, smart technology and resilient green infrastructure.  We will proudly honor our obligation to protect our planet for the next generation, and will firmly hold this Administration accountable for its egregious attacks on the clean air our children breathe, and the clean water they drink.”

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