The Issues

Energy & Environment

The verdict of science is clear: climate change is real, and its consequences are undeniable. Rising seas, savage droughts, horrific famines, devastating floods and life-threatening air pollution will impact every nation on every continent – and communities across America are already feeling the effects.

There is no time left to deny the reality of climate change, or to turn a blind eye on its impact on our country. That’s why President Obama joined the governments of 194 other countries to negotiate and sign the Paris Climate Accord, a landmark agreement that would significantly halt the progress of global warming. President Trump’s shockingly dangerous decision to pull out of the agreement poses a grave threat to our families and communities, and risks the strength and stability of our economy.

While President Trump abandons America’s leadership role in fighting the climate crisis, House Democrats will work every day to protect the future of our environment and our planet. We will continue to fight for a future of healthy air and water, energy independence and good-paying, clean energy jobs for generations to come. And we will never waver in our commitment to be responsible stewards of the beauty of God’s creation.


Democrats are working to:

  • Fight the Climate Crisis: Rising carbon pollution threatens the health of our families and the strength of our economy. Democrats are working with our partners in statehouses, cities, the private sector and communities across the nation to take bold steps to halt the rise in dirty pollutants. We are committed to encouraging innovative, entrepreneurial investments in the clean energy economy that reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil, lower energy costs for American families and create millions of jobs that can’t be outsourced.
  • End tax breaks for Big Oil: American taxpayers are footing the bill for tens of billions in tax breaks for Big Oil, even as oil companies are raking in huge profits. By repealing the tax breaks to multi-national oil companies, we can reduce the deficit and invest in clean energy jobs here in America.
  • Preserve environmental safeguards: House Democrats remain committed to achieving the Obama Administration’s pledge to cut carbon pollution 30 percent by 2030. We are fighting to sustain and strengthen key environmental safeguards that protect the air we breathe and the water we drink – no matter how hard the President Trump’s billionaire cabinet works to roll back these protections.
  • Protect public lands: Our public lands are a vital part of our communities and local economies. Yet, President Trump has put the interests of corporate polluters before the good of the American people by trying to auction off our public lands and cherished natural monuments. Democrats are standing up against the Trump Administration’s dirty energy agenda and are fighting to protect our most sacred natural parks and lands for future generations.
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