Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration Attack on Hungry Americans

Washington, D.C. – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration announced a proposed rule that could take food assistance away from hundreds of thousands of hungry Americans:

“President Trump’s cruel action this morning seeks to buck the bipartisan will of the Congress in the Farm Bill, which overwhelmingly rejected these callous efforts to take food from the neediest Americans.

“People who rely on food stamps are already working hard.  Right before the holidays, President Trump is attacking the most vulnerable people in the country, plain and simple.

“When Democrats take the gavel, we will ensure that Secretary Perdue and the Trump Administration implement the Farm Bill as Congress intended.  We will put an end to the bitter Republican attacks on working Americans, and will deliver a strong, positive and forward-looking agenda For The People: lower health costs, increase paychecks by rebuilding America and clean up corruption to make Washington work for all.”

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