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115th Congress   }                                      {      Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session      }                                      {     115-711


               SEPTEMBER 30, 2019, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES


June 5, 2018.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed


               Mr. Woodall, from the Committee on Rules, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 918]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 918, by a record vote of 8 to 2, report the 
same to the House with the recommendation that the resolution 
be adopted.


    The resolution provides for the consideration of the Senate 
amendment to H.R. 3249, the Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant 
Program Authorization Act of 2018. The resolution makes in 
order a motion offered by the chair of the Committee on the 
Judiciary or his designee that the House concur in the Senate 
amendment to H.R. 3249. The resolution waives all points of 
order against consideration of the motion. The resolution 
provides that the Senate amendment and the motion shall be 
considered as read. The resolution provides one hour of debate 
on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chair and 
ranking minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary.
    Section 2 of the resolution provides for consideration of 
H.R. 8, the Water Resources Development Act of 2018, under a 
structured rule. The resolution provides one hour of general 
debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking 
minority member of the Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure. The resolution waives all points of order 
against consideration of the bill. The resolution provides that 
an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the 
text of Rules Committee Print 115-72 shall be considered as 
adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. 
The resolution waives all points of order against provisions in 
the bill, as amended. The resolution makes in order only those 
further amendments printed in part A of this report. Each such 
amendment may be offered only in the order printed in this 
report, may be offered only by a Member designated in this 
report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the 
time specified in this report equally divided and controlled by 
the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to 
amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of 
the question in the House or in the committee of the whole. The 
resolution waives all points of order against the amendments 
printed in part A of this report. The resolution provides one 
motion to recommit with or without instructions.
    Section 3 of the resolution provides for consideration of 
H.R. 5895, the Energy and Water Development and Related 
Agencies Appropriations Act 2019, under a structured rule. The 
resolution provides one hour of general debate equally divided 
and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the 
Committee on Appropriations. The resolution waives all points 
of order against consideration of the bill. The resolution 
provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute 
consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 115-71, shall 
be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be 
considered as read. The resolution waives points of order 
against provisions in the bill, as amended, for failure to 
comply with clause 2 rule XXI, except beginning on page 66, 
line 14, through page 66, line 20. The resolution makes in 
order only those further amendments printed in part B of this 
report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order 
printed in this report, may be offered only by a Member 
designated in this report, shall be considered as read, shall 
be debatable for the time specified in this report equally 
divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be 
withdrawn by the proponent at any time before action thereon, 
shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to 
a demand for division of the question in the House or in the 
committee of the whole. The resolution waives all points of 
order against the amendments printed in part B of this report. 
The resolution provides that no further consideration of the 
bill shall be in order except pursuant to a subsequent order of 
the House.
    Section 4 of the resolution provides that the chair and 
ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or 
their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma 
amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.
    Section 5 of the resolution provides that during 
consideration of H.R. 5895, it shall not be in order to use a 
decrease in Overseas Contingency Operations funds to offset an 
amendment that increases an appropriation not designated as 
Overseas Contingency Operations funds or vice versa, but does 
not apply to amendments between the Houses.

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    Although the resolution waives all points of order against 
consideration of the motion to concur in the Senate amendment, 
the Committee is not aware of any points of order. The waiver 
is prophylactic in nature.
    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
H.R. 8 includes a waiver of the following:
           Clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII, which requires 
        the inclusion of a committee cost estimate;
           Clause 10 of rule XXI, which prohibits the 
        consideration of a bill if it has the net effect of 
        increasing mandatory spending over the five-year or 
        ten-year period;
           Section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget 
        Act, which prohibits consideration of legislation 
        providing new budget authority in excess of a 302(a) 
        allocation of such authority; and
           Section 303 of the Congressional Budget Act, 
        which prohibits consideration of legislation, providing 
        a change in revenues for a fiscal year until the budget 
        resolution for that year has been agreed to.
    The waiver of all points of order against provisions in 
H.R. 8, as amended, includes a waiver of clause 4 of rule XXI, 
which prohibits reporting a bill or joint resolution carrying 
an appropriation from a committee not having jurisdiction to 
report an appropriation.
    Although the resolution waives all points of order against 
the amendments printed in part A of this report, the Committee 
is not aware of any points of order. The waiver is prophylactic 
in nature.
    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
H.R. 5895 includes waivers of the following:
           Section 306 of the Congressional Budget Act, 
        which prohibits consideration of legislation within the 
        jurisdiction of the Committee on the Budget unless 
        referred to or reported by the Budget Committee; and
           Section 5104 of H. Con. Res. 71, which 
        prohibits the consideration of a general appropriation 
        bill that provides for advance appropriations
    The waiver of all points of order against provisions in 
H.R. 5895, as amended, includes a waiver of clause 2 of rule 
XXI, which prohibits unauthorized appropriations or legislative 
provisions in an appropriations bill. This waiver is necessary 
because the bill, as amended, contains unauthorized 
appropriations and legislative provisions.
    The waiver of all points of order against the amendments 
printed in part B of this report includes a waiver of clause 
2(c) of rule XXI, which requires that limitation amendments are 
to be offered at the end of the bill. The waiver is necessary 
because the limitation amendments printed in this report will 
be offered at the end of each division. It should be noted that 
sponsors of such amendments complied with Rules Committee 
guidance when drafting amendments to the end of divisions 
rather than the end of the bill.

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    The results of each record vote on an amendment or motion 
to report, together with the names of those voting for and 
against, are printed below:

Rules Committee record vote No. 227

    Motion by Mr. McGovern to make in order and provide the 
appropriate waivers to amendment # 60 to H.R. 8, offered by 
Rep. DeFazio (OR) and Rep. Shuster (PA) and Rep. Napolitano 
(CA) and Rep. Graves (LA), which establishes a specific 
budgetary mechanism to allow funds collected into the Harbor 
Maintenance Trust Fund to be appropriated and expended to 
address the maintenance dredging needs of U.S. commercial 
harbors. Defeated: 2-8

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Burgess.....................................  ............  Mr. Polis.........................  ............
Mr. Collins.....................................          Nay   Mrs. Torres.......................  ............
Mr. Byrne.......................................          Nay
Mr. Newhouse....................................          Nay
Mr. Buck........................................          Nay
Ms. Cheney......................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay

Rules Committee record vote No. 228

    Motion by Mr. McGovern make in order and provide the 
appropriate waivers to amendment # 69 to H.R. 8, offered by 
Rep. Moulton (MA) and Rep. Keating (MA), which provides 
additional funding for the Army Corps of Engineers Storm and 
Hurricane Restoration and Impact Minimization Program. The 
program assists communities in their efforts to recover and 
adapt to severe weather and natural disasters. Defeated: 2-8

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Burgess.....................................  ............  Mr. Polis.........................  ............
Mr. Collins.....................................          Nay   Mrs. Torres.......................  ............
Mr. Byrne.......................................          Nay
Mr. Newhouse....................................          Nay
Mr. Buck........................................          Nay
Ms. Cheney......................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay

Rules Committee record vote No. 229

    Motion by Mr. Cole to report the rule. Adopted: 8-2

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Mr. Cole........................................          Yea   Mr. McGovern......................          Nay
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Yea   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Nay
Mr. Burgess.....................................  ............  Mr. Polis.........................  ............
Mr. Collins.....................................          Yea   Mrs. Torres.......................  ............
Mr. Byrne.......................................          Yea
Mr. Newhouse....................................          Yea
Mr. Buck........................................          Yea
Ms. Cheney......................................          Yea
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Yea


    1. Shuster (PA): MANAGER'S. Makes technical changes to the 
bill, as well as additional provisions relating to Corps of 
Engineers projects and reports. Addresses direct spending issue 
in sec. 306. (10 minutes)
    2. Soto (FL): Directs the Secretary to expand the areas of 
consideration to include water storage. (10 minutes)
    3. Gibbs (OH): Amends language to ensure all factors are 
considered in order for the mitigation bank to provide 
sufficient financial assurances. (10 minutes)
    4. Royce (CA), Hunter (CA), Mast (FL): Adds flexibility in 
Section 120 so that future projects can also qualify for the 
pilot program. (10 minutes)
    5. Keating (MA): Authorizes Army Corps to give technical 
assistance to regional coalitions as they prepare for water 
resources development projects with potential connections to 
Army Corps projects or properties. (10 minutes)
    6. Posey (FL), Mast (FL), Hastings, Alcee (FL), Wilson 
(FL): Directs the Secretary to provide technical assistance on 
construction to a state agency that is carrying out 
congressionally authorized projects. Such assistance would be 
reimbursed by the state agency. Protects existing authorities 
under Davis-Bacon. (10 minutes)
    7. Denham (CA), Costa (CA): Extends authority of the U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers to enter into cost recovery agreements 
for evaluation and processing of permits. (10 minutes)
    8. Esty (CT), Babin (TX), Blumenauer (OR), Black (TN), 
Bonamici (OR), Sinema (AZ): Adds to a National Academy of 
Sciences report consideration of an analysis on whether the 
Corps considers cumulative benefits of locally developed 
projects, including Master Plans, and if the Corps uses these 
benefits for purposes of benefit-cost analysis for potential 
projects within such Master Plans. (10 minutes)
    9. Soto (FL): Adds universities to the list of entities 
that the Secretary of the Army Corps should consider when 
submitting a report to Congress on the use of innovative 
materials in water resource development projects. (10 minutes)
    10. Krishnamoorthi (IL): Requires the Comptroller of the 
United States to provide recommendations to improve the 
capacity and preparedness of the Corp of Engineers workforce 
(10 minutes)
    11. Jayapal (WA): Adds to a GAO study consideration of how 
changes to the navigation industry workforce with which the 
Army Corps of Engineers collaborates may affect safety and 
operations within the navigation industry (10 minutes)
    12. Soto (FL): Directs the GAO to specifically consider 
trough bars, coastal wetlands and barrier coral reefs for their 
study on the feasibility of projects for flood risk management, 
hurricane and storm damage reduction, and ecosystem 
restoration. (10 minutes)
    13. Sanford (SC), Delaney (MD), Duncan (SC): Ensures timely 
payback for advanced funds paid for by a non-federal sponsor. 
(10 minutes)
    14. Nolan (MN), Joyce (OH), Huizenga (MI), Krishnamoorthi 
(IL), Mitchell (MI), Bergman (MI), Kildee (MI), Kennedy (MA): 
The amendment requires the Secretary to conduct a study of the 
status of the project for flood damage reduction and 
environmental restoration for the Muddy River authorized by 
WRDA 2000. The Secretary is required to submit a report to 
Congress describing the study and reasons for deauthorizing the 
project. (10 minutes)
    15. Moore, Gwen (WI): Requires the Corps to take steps to 
better engage with and meaningfully consult with communities of 
color, low-income communities, tribes, and rural communities. 
(10 minutes)
    16. Meadows (NC): Prioritizes the operation, maintenance, 
and improvement of existing infrastructure. (10 minutes)
    17. Mast (FL): Clarifies the Secretary's authority under 
WRDA 2000 to provide credit for Comprehensive Everglades 
Restoration in-kind work completed during design or 
construction, including work after a partnership agreement is 
signed. The Secretary and non-Federal sponsor must agree to the 
terms and conditions for in-kind work not expressly defined in 
the partnership agreement and the Secretary must determine the 
work is integral to the project. (10 minutes)
    18. Pearce (NM): Requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
to pay back the Federal cost share for projects carried out 
under section 593 of the Water Resources Development Act of 
1999 in the next fiscal year. (10 minutes)
    19. Kelly (PA), Thompson, Glenn (PA): States that in 
regards to WRDA funding determinations, the Corps of Engineers 
may consider operation and maintenance of the locks on 
Allegheny River for purposes of recreational boat traffic 
levels and related economic benefits. (10 minutes)
    20. Schrader (OR): Provides the Army Corps of Engineers 
with the authority to help mitigate any detrimental impacts to 
municipal water supply resulting from a Corps construction 
project. (10 minutes)
    21. Jayapal (WA): Requests from the Army Corps of Engineers 
a report to Congress on the potential opportunity for 
integrating noise abatement and noise mitigation technologies 
and practices into improvements and operations in harbors and 
inland harbors. (10 minutes)
    22. Higgins, Clay (LA): Directs the Secretary to prefer 
acquiring the minimum interest necessary in real property 
needed to support a project or action. Requires consideration 
of the use of a temporary easement estate or other interests 
designed to reduce overall costs, reduce project time, and 
minimize conflict with property owners related to such project 
or action. (10 minutes)
    23. Babin (TX): Expresses the sense of Congress stating the 
importance and benefits of projects to improve 2-way traffic 
safety on high volume, deep draft navigation channels. (10 
    24. Bost (IL): Permits a non-federal flood control project 
sponsor to pay, or contribute to, the difference between the 
cost of repairing a damaged flood control project and its 
projected economic benefits. (10 minutes)
    25. Heck, Denny (WA): Directs GAO to conduct a study on 
USACE's ability to comply with Federal stormwater runoff 
requirements. (10 minutes)
    26. Gonzalez-Colon (PR): Expresses the sense of Congress 
that the Corps of Engineers should consider urgently and 
favorably projects and proposals pending before them for flood 
control, dam repair, beach erosion, harbor navigation in Puerto 
Rico, as well as for repair and mitigation required by natural 
disasters in 2017-2018; and that the Secretary should advance 
the project for ecosystem restoration at Cano Martin Pena, San 
Juan, Puerto Rico. (10 minutes)
    27. Gibbs (OH): Instructs the Secretary to expedite the 
DMMP process in order that studies reach completion within two 
years of their initiation and shall make maximum use of 
existing information and studies and avoid all redundant 
information collection and studies for purposes of Dredged 
Material Management Plans initiated in fiscal year 2018 and 
afterward. (10 minutes)
    28. Frankel (FL), Curbelo (FL), Mast (FL), Wilson (FL): 
Allows the Corps to consider the best source of sand for each 
individual beach renourishment project. (10 minutes)
    29. Davis, Rodney (IL), Lipinski (IL), Mitchell (MI), 
Dingell (MI), Lawrence (MI), Kildee (MI): Clarifies that 
operation and maintenance of any project authorized under the 
Chief's Report for the Brandon Road Study is done at an 80/20 
Federal/non-Federal cost share. Also requires the Corps, 
following construction of any project authorized under the 
Chief's Report for the Brandon Road Study, to consult with the 
governor of the state where the project is located and seek 
Congressional approval prior to implementing any additional 
technologies at the project. Also, adds to the list of 
feasibility studies in the base bill the USACE must expedite 
completion of the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin 
Study Brandon Road Study. (10 minutes)
    30. Gonzalez-Colon (PR): Directs the secretary to expedite 
reports for the navigation project for San Juan Harbor, Puerto 
Rico, per the study authorized by resolution of the House 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure in September 20, 
2006. (10 minutes)
    31. Lance (NJ), Gottheimer (NJ): Directs the Secretary to 
expedite the completion of a feasibility study for the Warren 
Glen Dam Removal Project in the Musconetcong River, New Jersey. 
(10 minutes)
    32. Lujan (NM), Lujan Grisham (NM): Authorizes the 
expansion of the Abiquiu Reservoir. (10 minutes)
    33. Larsen, Rick (WA): Increases the per project funding 
cap for Section 544 Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restoration 
(PSAW) to $10 million--which is consistent with Section 206 
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration projects and raises the overall 
authorization level for PSAW. (10 minutes)
    34. Keating (MA): Directs the Army Corps to expedite and 
complete dredging in Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts as 
authorized. (10 minutes)
    35. Joyce (OH), Huizenga (MI), Kildee (MI), Foster (IL): 
Requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete its 
Chief's Report for the Brandon Road Study by February 2019. (10 
    36. Bishop, Sanford (GA): Conveys three parcels of land, 
known as the Earle May Recreational Area, from the Army Corps 
of Engineers to the City of Bainbridge. (10 minutes)
    37. Blum (IA): Expedites the completion of the Cedar River 
flood risk management project authorized in 2014. (10 minutes)
    38. Keating (MA): Grants the Army Corps the authority to 
repair or replace bridges in New England that serve as 
emergency evacuation routes. (10 minutes)
    39. McMorris Rodgers (WA): Authorizes a land transfer 
between the Port of Whitman and the Army Corps of Engineers. 
(10 minutes)
    40. Shea-Porter (NH): Directs the Secretary to use existing 
authority to mitigate severe shoaling at Hampton Harbor, New 
Hampshire. (10 minutes)
    41. Shea-Porter (NH): Directs the Secretary to expedite the 
navigation project for Portsmouth Harbor and the Piscataqua 
River. (10 minutes)
    42. Lewis, Jason (MN): Encourages the Secretary to consider 
reasonable alternative agreements between state or local 
entities, private partners, and the U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineering to dispose of dredged material. (10 minutes)
    43. Olson (TX), Weber (TX), Gonzalez-Colon (PR), Green, Al 
(TX), Brady, Kevin (TX), Gonzalez, Vicente (TX), Poe (TX), 
Duncan (SC), Vela (TX), Plaskett, (VI), Gohmert (TX), Wilson 
(FL): Looks to expedite already authorized U.S. Army Corp of 
Engineers projects in the declared disaster areas of Texas, 
Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and 
the U.S. Virgin Islands. (10 minutes)
    44. McCaul (TX), Green, Al (TX), Brady, Kevin (TX), 
Culberson (TX), Olson (TX), Weber (TX), Poe (TX): Requires the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to carry out flood and storm 
damage reduction studies expeditiously in order to reduce the 
risk of damage from future floods and hurricanes in the Houston 
and Coastal Texas areas. (10 minutes)
    45. Weber (TX): Enhances the Levee Safety Action 
Classification (LSAC) risk categorization tool, developed 
internally by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It supplements 
current duties by ensuring that individual levee system LSAC 
ratings are transparent. (10 minutes)
    46. Meeks (NY): Expedites the Army Corps of Engineers' 
reformulation project in certain Sandy Superstorm affected 
areas of Queens, NY. (10 minutes)
    47. Schrader (OR): Requires the Army Corps of Engineers to 
include in future workplans, to the maximum extent practicable, 
any project or facility for disposition for which the Corps has 
a final report from the Director of Civil Works. (10 minutes)
    48. Smith, Jason (MO): Ensures prompt restoration and 
rebuilding in the event of an activation of any floodway or 
backwater feature within the Mississippi Rivers and Tributaries 
system. (10 minutes)
    49. Young, Don (AK): Requires the Secretary to conduct an 
assessment of dams classified as Class III under the Dam Safety 
Action Classification of the Corps of Engineers. This amendment 
require the Secretary to provide a report to Congress 
describing anticipated impacts on the local communities if the 
Secretary no longer assumes responsibility of the Class III 
dam, or what the effects would be if the Secretary continues to 
assume responsibility of the dams over a period of 15 years 
after the date of enactment of this Act. (10 minutes)
    50. Costa (CA), Denham (CA): Authorizes the Army Corps to 
accept contributed funds from the owners of non-federal Section 
7 reservoirs for the purpose of reviewing/revising operational 
documents, including flood control manuals and rule curves. (10 
    51. Soto (FL): Directs the Secretary, to the maximum extent 
practicable, to endeavor to provide information to all 
adjoining residential property stakeholders, next to property 
which the Army Corps of Engineers holds an interest. (10 
    52. Paulsen (MN), Ellison (MN): Expedites the completion of 
a disposition study and requires the Secretary to report on the 
feasibility of preserving and enhancing recreational 
opportunities and the health of the ecosystem of Upper St. 
Anthony Falls Lock and Dam. (10 minutes)


    1. Collins, Chris (NY): Increases funding for Army Corps 
Investigations account by $1.2 million, for a total of $129.2 
million, offset by a reduction of $1.2 million in the Army 
Corps Expenses account. (10 minutes)
    2. Abraham (LA): Increases Corps of Engineers Construction 
by $17,410,000 and reduces DOE Departmental Administration by 
the same amount. (10 minutes)
    3. Keating (MA): Ensures funds for additionally considering 
the historic and national significance of dredging projects in 
allocating Army Corps additional funding. (10 minutes)
    4. Beyer (VA): Strikes Sec. 107, which prohibits funds from 
being used to require a permit for the discharge of dredged or 
fill material under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. 
(10 minutes)
    5. Ruiz (CA): Redirects $2 million within the Water and 
Related Resources Account toward projects with a public health 
benefit. (10 minutes)
    6. Lujan Grisham (NM): Prioritizes funding for Bureau of 
Reclamation research and development projects. (10 minutes)
    7. DeSaulnier (CA): Increase the Anadromous Fish Screen 
Program by $5 million for the purposes of making repairs to 
existing equipment (10 minutes)
    8. Mitchell (MI): Cuts 10% from administrative expense 
accounts at both the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department 
of Energy. (10 minutes)
    9. Cohen (TN): Increases funding for the Energy Efficiency 
and Renewable Energy account by $2 million for the SuperTruck 
II program. (10 minutes)
    10. Keating (MA): Allocates funding for the Office of 
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to support marine and 
hydrokinetic energy research and technologies. (10 minutes)
    11. Bonamici (OR), Pingree (ME), Perry (PA): Increases 
funding for the EERE Water Power Technologies Office by $10 
million. (10 minutes)
    12. Esty (CT): Restores $15 million in funding to the 
Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) within the Office of Energy 
Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). (10 minutes)
    13. Tsongas (MA), Grijalva (AZ), Keating (MA): Increases 
funding to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 
for the purposes of offshore wind job training grants. (10 
    14. Soto (FL): Increases funding to the Cybersecurity, 
Energy Security, and Emergency Response program by $1,000,000 
to further facilitate the Department of Energy's effort to 
secure the nation's energy infrastructure against all hazards, 
reduce the risks of and impacts from cyber events, and assist 
with restoration activities. (10 minutes)
    15. Soto (FL): Increases funding to the Electricity 
Delivery program by $1,000,000 to further facilitate the 
programs aim to develop a modern power grid by advancing 
resilient power distribution systems, intelligent and high-
efficiency grid components, and energy storage systems. (10 
    16. Weber (TX): Provides for $35 million from within funds 
appropriated to the Office of Nuclear Energy to meet the House-
passed authorization level for the Versatile Neutron Source, a 
fast test reactor user facility. (10 minutes)
    17. Esty (CT), Larson, John (CT): Increases and decrease 
funding to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by $20 million. (10 minutes)
    18. Beyer (VA), Esty (CT), Eshoo (CA): Increases ARPA-E to 
its FY18 enacted level and reduces Fossil Energy R&D; by the 
same amount. (10 minutes)
    19. Smith, Lamar (TX): Provides for $126.8 million from 
within funds appropriated to the Office of Science to meet 
House-passed authorization levels for the LINAC Coherent Light 
Source II High Energy Upgrade, the Proton Power Upgrade to the 
Spallation Neutron Source, the construction of the Spallation 
Neutron Source Second Target Station, and the construction of 
the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams; provides for full funding 
for the U.S. contribution to the construction of the ITER 
project. (10 minutes)
    20. Keating (MA): Allocates funding to support research and 
grants to further innovation in the safe and secure storage, 
treatment, transportation, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel 
from civilian nuclear reactors. (10 minutes)
    21. Marshall (KS): Reduces funding for the Office of 
Science by $20,000,000 and then increases the same number by 
$20,000,000. (10 minutes)
    22. Langevin (RI): Increases funding by $3 million to be 
used for divertor test tokamak research and development. (10 
    23. Kihuen (NV), Titus (NV), Rosen (NV): Strikes $190 
million for the licensing of the nuclear waste depository at 
Yucca Mountain. (10 minutes)
    24. Gosar (AZ): Eliminates funding for the ARPA-E program 
as recommended by the administration. (10 minutes)
    25. Jackson Lee (TX): Increases Administration account by 
$1 million to address environmental concerns in both urban and 
rural settings. (10 minutes)
    26. Lee, Barbara (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Garamendi (CA), 
Kildee (MI), Lieu (CA), Cicilline (RI): Strikes $65 million for 
the W76-2 warhead and transfers it to Defense Nuclear 
Nonproliferation account (10 minutes)
    27. Connolly (VA): Restores the Defense Nuclear 
Nonproliferation account to the FY2018 funding level by giving 
the Weapons Activities account a $404 million increase instead 
of the current $550 million increase. (10 minutes)
    28. O'Halleran (AZ): Provides funding to expedite the work 
of the Department of Energy's Defense-Related Uranium Mines 
Program's work on Native American Reservations in the west. (10 
    29. Gosar (AZ), Gohmert (TX): Uses the Holman Rule to 
reduce the salary of Mark Gabriel, the Administrator of the 
Western Area Power Administration, to $1. (10 minutes)
    30. Keating (MA): Provides resources for the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission to ensure safe and effective 
decommissioning of nuclear power plants. (10 minutes)
    31. Beyer (VA), Pingree (ME), Lowenthal (CA), Carbajal 
(CA), Huffman (CA), Langevin (RI), Castor (FL), Cicilline (RI), 
Bonamici (OR): Strikes Sec. 505, which prohibits funds from 
being used for further implementation of the coastal and marine 
spatial planning and ecosystem-based management components of 
the National Ocean Policy. (10 minutes)
    32. Kihuen (NV), Titus (NV), Rosen (NV): Strikes language 
that would prohibit closure of the Yucca Mountain project. (10 
    33. Newhouse (WA), Gosar (AZ), Schrader (OR), Crawford 
(AR), Tipton (CO), Gohmert (TX), DeFazio (OR), Lamborn (CO), 
Kilmer (WA), Lujan Grisham (NM), Carbajal (CA), McMorris 
Rodgers (WA), Heck, Denny (WA), McNerney (CA), Herrera-Beutler 
(WA), Blumenauer (OR), Black (TN), Bonomici (OR), Sinema (AZ): 
Prohibits the use of funds to sell the transmission assets of 
three Power Marketing Administrations and the Tennessee Valley 
Authority. (10 minutes)
    34. Blackburn (TN): Provides for a one percent across the 
board cut to the discretionary spending levels in Division A of 
the bill. (10 minutes)
    35. Jackson Lee (TX): Allocates an additional $3 million 
for post-disaster watershed assessment studies. (10 minutes)
    36. Jackson Lee (TX): Prohibits use of funds in 
contravention of the Department of Energy Organization Act and 
addresses the need to increase programs that educate minorities 
in science, technology, engineering and math. (10 minutes)
    37. Burgess (TX): Prohibits using federal funds for the 
enforcement of standards established in the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act with respect to BPAR incandescent reflector 
lamps, BR incandescent reflector lamps, and ER incandescent 
reflector lamps. (10 minutes)
    38. DeSantis (FL): Prohibits funds from being used to 
purchase heavy water from Iran. (10 minutes)
    39. Norman (SC): Reduces the total amount of appropriations 
made available by $1.5 billion to match the fiscal year 2018 
enacted level. (10 minutes)


1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Shuster of Pennsylvania 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 23, line 12, strike ``note(b)(8))'' and insert 

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works of the Senate a report on the structure and operations 
plan for the Old River control structure authorized by the 
Flood Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 1258) based on the best 
available science, improved monitoring capabilities, and other 
factors as determined by the Secretary, including consideration 
          (1) flood control;
          (2) navigational conditions;
          (3) water supply; and
          (4) ecosystem restoration and ecological 
  (b) Public Participation.--In developing the report required 
by subsection (a), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for 
public input and stakeholder engagement, including public 


  (a) In General.--The Secretary is authorized to carry out a 
pilot program to award contracts with a duration of up to five 
years for the operation and maintenance of harbors and inland 
harbors referred to in section 210(a)(2) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2238(a)(2)).
  (b) Scope.--In carrying out the pilot program under 
subsection (a), the Secretary may award a contract described in 
such subsection, which may address one or more harbors or 
inland harbors in a geographical region, if the Secretary 
determines that the contract provides cost savings compared to 
the awarding of such work on an annual basis.
  (c) Report to Congress.--Not later than one year after the 
date on which the first contract is awarded pursuant to the 
pilot program carried out under subsection (a), the Secretary 
shall submit to Congress a report evaluating, with respect to 
the pilot program and any contracts awarded under the pilot 
          (1) cost effectiveness;
          (2) reliability and performance;
          (3) cost savings attributable to mobilization and 
        demobilization of dredge equipment; and
          (4) response times to address navigational 
  (d) Sunset.--The authority of the Secretary to enter into 
contracts pursuant to the pilot program carried out under 
subsection (a) shall expire on the date that is 10 years after 
the date of enactment of this Act.


  (a) In General.--In carrying out a disposition study for a 
project of the Corps of Engineers, or a separable element of 
such a project, including a disposition study under section 216 
of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (33 U.S.C. 549a), the 
Secretary shall consider modifications that would improve the 
overall quality of the environment in the public interest, 
including removal of the project or separable element of a 
  (b) Disposition Study Transparency.--The Secretary shall 
carry out disposition studies described in subsection (a) in a 
transparent manner, including by--
          (1) providing opportunities for public input; and
          (2) publishing the final disposition studies.
  (c) Removal of Infrastructure.--For disposition studies 
described in subsection (a) in which the Secretary determines 
that a Federal interest no longer exists, and makes a 
recommendation of removal of the project or separable element 
of a project, the Secretary is authorized to pursue removal of 
the project or separable element of a project using--
          (1) existing authorities, as considered appropriate 
        by the Secretary; or
          (2) partnerships with other Federal agencies and non-
        Federal entities with appropriate capabilities to 
        undertake infrastructure removal.

  Page 52, after line 24, insert the following:

          (21) Project for flood damage reduction, Westminster-
        East Garden Grove, California.
          (22) Project for hurricane and storm damage risk 
        reduction and ecosystem restoration, Southwest Coastal 
        Louisiana, Louisiana, authorized by section 1401(8) of 
        the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (130 
          (23) Project for navigation and channel deepening, 
        Baptiste Collette Bayou, Louisiana, under section 203 
        of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 
        U.S.C. 2231).
          (24) Project for navigation and channel deepening, 
        Houma Navigation Canal, Louisiana, under section 203 of 
        the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 
          (25) Project for navigation and channel deepening, 
        Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana, under section 203 of the 
        Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 

  Strike section 308 and insert the following:


   Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this 
Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works of the Senate a report on the total estimated value of 
in-kind contributions made by the non-Federal interest with 
respect to the following six actions, as described in the final 
report of the Director of Civil Works on the Central and 
Southern Florida Project, Kissimmee River Restoration Project, 
dated April 27, 2018:
          (1) Shady Oaks Fish Camp land preparation.
          (2) Rocks Fish Camp land preparation.
          (3) Levee breaching of Sparks Candler and Bronson 
          (4) Packingham Slough construction related to land 
          (5) Engineering analysis of River Acres engineering 
          (6) Small local levee modifications.

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  (a) 40-foot Reserved Channel.--
          (1) In general.--The portions of the project for 
        navigation, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, authorized by 
        the first section of the Act of October 17, 1940 (54 
        Stat. 1198, chapter 895) and modified by section 101 of 
        the River and Harbor Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 297), 
        section 101(a)(13) of the Water Resources Development 
        Act of 1990 (104 Stat. 4607), and section 7002(1) of 
        the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 
        (128 Stat. 1365) described in paragraph (2) are no 
        longer authorized beginning on the date of enactment of 
        this Act.
          (2) Areas described.--
                  (A) First area.--The first areas described in 
                this paragraph are--
                          (i) beginning at a point N. 
                        2950154.45, E. 785995.64;
                          (ii) running southwesterly about 
                        1451.63 feet to a point N. 2950113.83, 
                        E. 784544.58;
                          (iii) running southeasterly about 
                        54.00 feet to a point N. 2950059.85, E. 
                          (iv) running southwesterly about 
                        1335.82 feet to a point N. 2950022.48, 
                        E. 783210.79;
                          (v) running northwesterly about 83.00 
                        feet to a point N. 2950105.44, E. 
                          (vi) running northeasterly about 
                        2787.45 feet to a point N. 2950183.44, 
                        E. 785994.83; and
                          (vii) running southeasterly about 
                        29.00 feet to the point described in 
                        clause (i).
                  (B) Second area.--The second areas described 
                in this paragraph are--
                          (i) beginning at a point N. 
                        2950502.86, E. 785540.84;
                          (ii) running northeasterly about 
                        46.11 feet to a point N2950504.16, 
                          (iii) running southwesterly about 
                        25.67 feet to a point N. 2950480.84, E. 
                          (iv) running southwesterly to a point 
                        N. 2950414.32, E. 783199.83;
                          (v) running northwesterly about 8.00 
                        feet to a point N. 2950422.32, E. 
                          (vi) running northeasterly about 
                        2342.58 feet to a point N. 2950487.87, 
                        E. 785541.26; and
                          (vii) running northwesterly about 
                        15.00 feet to the point described in 
                        clause (i).
  (b) 35-foot Reserved Channel.--
          (1) In general.--The portions of the project for 
        navigation, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, authorized by 
        the first section of the Act of October 17, 1940 (54 
        Stat. 1198, chapter 895) and modified by section 101 of 
        the River and Harbor Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 297) 
        described in paragraph (2) are no longer authorized 
        beginning on the date of enactment of this Act.
          (2) Areas described.--
                  (A) First area.--The first areas described in 
                this paragraph are--
                          (i) beginning at a point N. 
                        2950143.44, E. 787532.14;
                          (ii) running southeasterly about 
                        22.21 feet to a point N. 2950128.91, E. 
                          (iii) running southwesterly about 
                        4,339.42 feet to a point N. 2950007.48, 
                        E. 783211.21;
                          (iv) running northwesterly about 
                        15.00 feet to a point N. 2950022.48, E. 
                        783210.79; and
                          (v) running northeasterly about 
                        4,323.05 feet to the point described in 
                        clause (i).
                  (B) Second area.--The second areas described 
                in this paragraph are--
                          (i) beginning at a point N. 
                        2950502.86, E. 785540.84;
                          (ii) running southeasterly about 
                        15.00 feet to a point N. 2950487.87, E. 
                          (iii) running southwesterly about 
                        2342.58 feet to a point N. 2950422.32, 
                        E. 783199.60;
                          (iv) running southeasterly about 8.00 
                        feet to a point N. 2950414.32, E. 
                          (v) running southwesterly about 
                        1339.12 feet to a point N. 2950376.85, 
                        E. 781861.23;
                          (vi) running northwesterly about 
                        23.00 feet to a point N. 2950399.84, E. 
                        781860.59; and
                          (vii) running northeasterly about 
                        3681.70 feet to the point described in 
                        clause (i).


  Notwithstanding the third sentence of section 1001(b)(2) of 
the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 
579a(b)(2)), projects and separable elements of projects 
identified in the fiscal year 2017 report prepared in 
accordance with such section and submitted to Congress on 
December 15, 2016, shall not be deauthorized unless such 
projects and separable elements meet the requirements of 
section 1301(b)(1)(A) of the Water Resources Development Act of 
2016 (130 Stat. 1687).

2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 8, line 7, insert ``water storage,'' after ``aquifer 

 3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gibbs of Ohio or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 9, line 17, insert ``, if determined necessary after 
taking into account all relevant factors (including past 
successful project completion)'' before the semicolon.

4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Royce of California or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Strike section 120 and insert the following:


  Section 1043(b) of the Water Resources Reform and Development 
Act of 2014 (33 U.S.C. 2201 note) is amended--
          (1) in paragraph (3)(A)(i)--
                  (A) in the matter preceding subclause (I)--
                          (i) by striking ``15'' and inserting 
                        ``20''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``prior to the date 
                        of enactment of this Act'';
                  (B) in subclause (I)--
                          (i) in the matter preceding item 
                        (aa), by inserting ``that have been 
                        authorized for construction prior to 
                        the date of enactment of this Act and'' 
                        after ``not more than 12 projects''; 
                          (ii) in item (bb), by striking ``; 
                        and'' and inserting a semicolon;
                  (C) in subclause (II)--
                          (i) by inserting ``that have been 
                        authorized for construction prior to 
                        the date of enactment of this Act and'' 
                        after ``not more than 3 projects''; and
                          (ii) by striking the semicolon and 
                        inserting ``; and''; and
                  (D) by adding at the end the following:
                                  ``(III) not more than 5 
                                projects that have been 
                                authorized for construction, 
                                but did not receive the 
                                authorization prior to the date 
                                of enactment of this Act;''; 
          (2) in subsection (b)(8) by striking ``2015 through 
        2019'' and inserting ``2019 through 2023''.

      5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Insert after section 122 the following (and renumber 
subsequent sections and the table of contents accordingly):


  Section 22(a)(1) of the Water Resources Development Act of 
1974 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-16(a)(1)) is amended to read as follows:
          ``(1) Comprehensive plans.--The Secretary of the 
        Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is 
        authorized to cooperate with any State, group of 
        States, non-Federal interest working with a State or 
        group of States, or regional coalition of governmental 
        entities in the preparation of comprehensive plans for 
        the development, utilization, and conservation of the 
        water and related resources of drainage basins, 
        watersheds, or ecosystems located within the boundaries 
        of such State, interest, or entity, including plans to 
        comprehensively address water resources challenges, and 
        to submit to Congress reports and recommendations with 
        respect to appropriate Federal participation in 
        carrying out such plans.''.

6. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Posey of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 14, strike ``and''.
  Page 27, after line 14, insert the following (and redesignate 
the subsequent paragraph accordingly):
          (2) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
  ``(c) Studies and Engineering.--
          ``(1) In general.--When requested by an appropriate 
        non-Federal interest, the Secretary shall undertake all 
        necessary studies, engineering, and technical 
        assistance on construction for any project to be 
        undertaken under subsection (b), and provide technical 
        assistance in obtaining all necessary permits for the 
        construction, if the non-Federal interest contracts 
        with the Secretary to furnish the United States funds 
        for the studies, engineering, or technical assistance 
        on construction in the period during which the studies, 
        engineering, or technical assistance on construction 
        are being conducted.
          ``(2) No waiver.--Nothing in this section may be 
        construed to waive any requirement of section 3142 of 
        title 40, United States Code.
          ``(3) Limitation.--Funds provided by non-Federal 
        interests under this subsection shall not be eligible 
        for credit or reimbursement under subsection (d).
          ``(4) Impartial decisionmaking.--In carrying out this 
        section, the Secretary shall ensure that the use of 
        funds accepted from a non-Federal interest will not 
        affect the impartial decisionmaking of the Secretary, 
        either substantively or procedurally.''; and

7. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Denham of California or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 30, strike lines 15 and 16 and insert the following:
          (1) by striking paragraph (3) and redesignating 
        paragraphs (4) and (5) as paragraphs (3) and (4), 
        respectively; and

  Page 30, line 17, strike ``paragraph (5)'' and insert 
``paragraph (4), as so redesignated''.

8. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Esty of Connecticut or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 32, line 16, strike ``and''.
  Page 32, line 21, strike the period and insert ``; and''.
  Page 32, after line 21, insert the following:
          (6) an analysis of whether or not the Army Corps of 
                  (A) considers cumulative benefits of locally 
                developed projects, including Master Plans 
                approved by the Corps; and
                  (B) uses the benefits referred to in 
                subparagraph (A) for purposes of benefit-cost 
                analysis for project justification for 
                potential projects within such Master Plans.

9. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 36, line 8, insert ``universities,'' after ``research 
and development centers,''.

  10. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Krishnamoorthi of 
           Illinois or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 36, line 23, strike ``and''.
  Page 36, after line 23, insert the following (and renumber 
the subsequent paragraph accordingly):
          (2) provides recommendations to improve the capacity 
        and preparedness of the Corps of Engineers workforce; 

11. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jayapal of Washington 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 36, line 23, strike ``; and'' and insert a semicolon.
  Page 37, line 4, strike the period and insert ``; and''.
  Page 37, after line 4, insert the following:
          (3) describes how changes to the navigation industry 
        workforce with which the Corps of Engineers 
        collaborates may affect safety and operations within 
        the navigation industry.

12. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 38, line 3, after ``storm damage reduction'' insert 
``(including trough bars, coastal wetlands, and barrier coral 

   13. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Sanford of South 
           Carolina or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 40, line 21, strike ``in lieu of'' and insert ``or''.
  Page 41, line 1, strike ``in lieu of'' and insert ``or''.
  Page 41, line 16, insert ``or reimbursement of funds of an 
equivalent amount, subject to the availability of 
appropriations'' before the period.
  Page 41, line 21, strike the closing quotation marks and the 
second period.
  Page 41, after line 21, insert the following:
  ``(c) Application of Reimbursement.--At the request of the 
non-Federal interest, the Secretary may apply such funds, 
subject to the availability of appropriations, equal to the 
share of the cost of the non-Federal interest of carrying out 
other flood damage reduction and coastal navigation projects or 

14. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Nolan of Minnesota or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  It is the sense of Congress that the construction of a new 
lock at the Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, is vital 
to our national economy, national security, and national need 
for new critical infrastructure.

15. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Moore of Wisconsin or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, insert the following:


  (a) In General.--The Corps of Engineers shall make efforts--
          (1) as part of the mission of the Corps, to identify 
        and address with respect to covered communities any 
        disproportionate and adverse health or environmental 
        effects of the Corps' programs, policies, practices, 
        and activities;
          (2) to promote the meaningful involvement of 
        communities of color in the Corps' project development 
        and implementation, enforcement efforts, and other 
          (3) to provide guidance and technical assistance to 
        covered communities to increase understanding of the 
        Corps' project planning and management activities, 
        regulations, and policies; and
          (4) to cooperate with State, Tribal, and local 
        governments with respect to activities carried out 
        pursuant to this subsection.
  (b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions 
          (1) Community of color.--The term ``community of 
        color'' means a community of individuals who are--
                  (A) American Indian or Alaska Native;
                  (B) Asian or Pacific Islander;
                  (C) Black, not of Hispanic origin; or
                  (D) Hispanic.
          (2) Covered community.--The term ``covered 
        community'' means each of the following:
                  (A) A community of color.
                  (B) A low-income community.
                  (C) A rural community.
                  (D) A Tribal and indigenous community.

   16. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Meadows of North 
           Carolina or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  The Secretary of the Army shall prioritize the operation and 
maintenance of existing infrastructure, improve its 
reliability, and, as necessary, improve its resilience to 
cyber-related threats.

17. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Mast of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) WRDA 2000.--Section 601(e)(5)(B) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-541) is amended to read 
as follows:
                  ``(B) Work.--The Secretary may provide 
                credit, including in-kind credit, toward the 
                non-Federal share for the reasonable cost of 
                any work performed in connection with a study, 
                preconstruction engineering and design, or 
                construction that is necessary for the 
                implementation of the Plan if--
                          ``(i)(I) the credit is provided for 
                        work completed during the period of 
                        design, as defined in a design 
                        agreement between the Secretary and the 
                        non-Federal sponsor;
                          ``(II) the credit is provided for 
                        work completed during the period of 
                        construction, as defined in a project 
                        cooperation agreement for an authorized 
                        project between the Secretary and the 
                        non-Federal sponsor;
                          ``(III) the credit is provided for 
                        work carried out before the date of the 
                        partnership agreement between the 
                        Secretary and the non-Federal sponsor, 
                        as defined in an agreement between the 
                        Secretary and the non-Federal sponsor 
                        providing for such credit; or
                          ``(IV) the credit is provided for 
                        work carried out by the non-Federal 
                        sponsor in the implementation of an 
                        authorized project implementation 
                        report, and such work was defined in an 
                        agreement between the Secretary and the 
                        non-Federal sponsor prior to the 
                        execution of such work;
                          ``(ii) the agreement prescribes the 
                        terms and conditions of the credit, 
                        including in the case of credit 
                        provided under clause (i)(iii) 
                        conditions relating to design and 
                        construction; and
                          ``(iii) the Secretary determines that 
                        the work performed by the non-Federal 
                        sponsor is integral to the project.''.
  (b) Timing.--Section 601(e)(5) of the Act referred to in 
subsection (a) is further amended by inserting after 
subparagraph (B) the following (and redesignating any 
subparagraphs accordingly):
                  ``(C) Timing.--In any case in which the 
                Secretary approves credit under subparagraph 
                (B), in writing or by electronic agreement with 
                the non-Federal sponsor, the Secretary shall 
                provide such credit for work completed during 
                the period of construction under an agreement 
                that prescribes the terms and conditions for 
                the in-kind contributions not expressly 

 18. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Pearce of New Mexico 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  Not later than September 30 of the first fiscal year 
following the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
shall pay the outstanding balance of the Federal cost share for 
any project carried out under section 593 of the Water 
Resources Development Act of 1999 (113 Stat. 380).

19. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Kelly of Pennsylvania 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, insert the following:


  The Corps of Engineers may consider, in making funding 
determinations with respect to the operation and maintenance of 
locks on the Allegheny River--
          (1) recreational boat traffic levels; and
          (2) related economic benefits.

20. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Schrader of Oregon or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  The Secretary may provide assistance to municipalities the 
water supply of which is adversely affected by construction 
carried out by the Corps of Engineers.

21. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jayapal of Washington 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
section, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the 
potential opportunity for integrating noise abatement and noise 
mitigation technologies and practices into improvements and 
operations in harbors and inland harbors.

 22. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Higgins of Louisiana 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  (a) In General.--In requiring or acquiring an interest in 
land, the Secretary shall, in accordance with the Uniform 
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies 
Act of 1970, prefer the minimum interest in real property 
necessary to support a project or action.
  (b) Determination.--In determining the proper interest in 
land under subsection (a), the Secretary shall first consider a 
temporary easement estate or other interest designed to reduce 
the overall cost, reduce the time, and minimize conflict with 
property owners related to such action or project.
  (c) Procedures Used in State.--The Secretary shall consider 
and attempt to replicate, to the maximum extent practicable and 
consistent with Federal laws, the procedures that a State has 
used to acquire interests in land, provided that such 
procedures are generally consistent with the goals of a project 
or action.

23. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Babin of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  It is the sense of Congress that--
          (1) high use Federal navigation projects, including 
        those with numerous deep draft vessel calls per year, 
        should ensure safe 2-way traffic by design vessels 
        recommended by authorized navigation studies; and
          (2) the Secretary should consider the benefits of the 
        safety modification or improvement to commercial 
        navigation in evaluating such modifications or 

 24. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Bost of Illinois or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) Cost Benefit and Special Conditions.--Section 5(a) of the 
Act of August 18, 1941 (55 Stat. 650, chapter 377; 33 U.S.C. 
701n(a)), as amended by this Act, is further amended by 
striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
          ``(2) Cost and benefit feasibility assessment.--
                  ``(A) Consideration of benefits.--In 
                preparing a cost and benefit feasibility 
                assessment for any emergency project described 
                in paragraph (1), the Chief of Engineers shall 
                consider the benefits to be gained by such 
                project for the protection of--
                          ``(I) residential establishments;
                          ``(ii) commercial establishments, 
                        including the protection of inventory; 
                          ``(iii) agricultural establishments, 
                        including the protection of crops.
                  ``(B) Special conditions.--
                          ``(i) The Chief of Engineers may 
                        carry out repair or restoration work 
                        described in paragraph (1) that does 
                        not produce benefits greater than cost, 
                        if the non-Federal sponsor agrees to 
                        pay, or contribute to, an amount 
                        sufficient to make the remaining costs 
                        of the project equal to the estimated 
                        value of the benefits of the repair or 
                        restoration work and the Secretary 
                        determines the damage to the structure 
                        was not as a result of negligent 
                        operation and maintenance, and that 
                        repair of the project could benefit 
                        other Corps project missions.
                          ``(ii) Non-Federal payments pursuant 
                        to clause (i) shall be in addition to 
                        any non-Federal payments required by 
                        the Chief of Engineers which are 
                        applicable to the remaining costs of 
                        the repair or restoration work.''.
  (b) Continued Eligibility.--Nothwithstanding a non-Federal 
flood control work's status in the Rehabilitation and 
Inspection Program, any unconstructed emergency project for the 
non-Federal flood control work that was formulated during the 
three fiscal years preceding the fiscal year in which this Act 
was enacted but that was determined to not produce benefits 
greater than costs shall remain eligible for assistance under 
Section 5 of the Act of August 18, 1941 (55 Stat. 650, chapter 
377; 33 U.S.C. 701n) until the last day of the third fiscal 
year following the fiscal year in which this Act was enacted if 
the non-Federal sponsor agrees, in accordance with section 5 as 
amended by subsection (a) of this section, to pay, or provide 
contributions equal to, an amount sufficient to make the 
remaining costs of the project equal to the estimated value of 
the benefits of the repair or restoration work and the 
Secretary determines the damage to the structure was not as a 
result of negligent operation and maintenance, and that repair 
of the project could benefit other Corps project missions.

25. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Heck of Washington or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United 
States shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a study on the 
compliance of projects and properties constructed or renovated 
by the Corps of Engineers with stormwater runoff requirements.
  (b) Requirements.--The study under subsection (a) shall 
include an analysis of--
          (1) the extent to which the Corps of Engineers has 
        complied with section 439 of the Energy Independence 
        and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17094) for projects 
        and properties constructed or renovated since February 
        1, 2010;
          (2) the feasibility of the Corps of Engineers to meet 
        the requirement to restore the predevelopment hydrology 
        of properties under the ``maximum extent technically 
        feasible'' standard created under the Energy 
        Independence and Security Act of 2007;
          (3) potential changes to the Corps of Engineers' 
        budgeting, planning, design, construction, and 
        maintenance strategies that could increase the agency's 
        ability to meet the requirement described in paragraph 
          (4) potential changes to the guidance described in 
        the Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater 
        Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under section 
        438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act, issued 
        by the Environmental Protection Agency and dated 
        December 2009, that could increase the Corps of 
        Engineers' ability to meet the requirement described in 
        paragraph (2).

  26. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gonzalez-Colon of 
         Puerto Rico or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  (a) Water Resource Projects in Puerto Rico.--It is the sense 
of Congress that the Corps of Engineers should proceed with a 
sense of urgency, and viewing requirements in the most 
favorable light, in evaluating and programming the actions to 
be taken to complete current phases, initiate pending phases, 
and prepare the reports necessary to proceed with the water 
resources projects necessary for flood control, dam repair, 
beach erosion control, and harbor navigation improvement in 
Puerto Rico, as well as for repair and mitigation required by 
hurricane and severe weather event damages that occurred 
between September 2017 and March 2018.
  (b) Cano Martin Pena Ecosystem Restoration Project.--It is 
the sense of Congress that the Secretary should advance the 
project for ecosystem restoration, Cano Martin Pena, San Juan, 
Puerto Rico.

 27. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gibbs of Ohio or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) In General.--For purposes of dredged material management 
plans initiated in or after fiscal year 2018, the Secretary 
shall expedite the dredged material management plan process in 
order that studies make maximum use of existing information, 
studies, and innovative dredged material management practices, 
and avoid any redundant information collection and studies.
  (b) Report.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
report on how the Corps of Engineers intends to meet the 
requirements of subsection (a).

28. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Frankel of Florida or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, insert the following:


  Section 935 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 
(33 U.S.C. 2299) is amended by striking ``if such materials are 
not available from domestic sources for environmental or 
economic reasons''.

 29. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Davis of Illinois or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:

                    BARRIERS PROJECT, ILLINOIS.

  Section 3061(d) of the Water Resources Development Act of 
2007 (Public Law 110-114; 121 Stat. 1121) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the 
          ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following:
          ``(2) Operation and maintenance.--Operation and 
        maintenance of any project authorized to be carried out 
        pursuant to the feasibility study identified in 
        paragraph (1) shall be carried out at 80 percent 
        Federal expense and 20 percent non-Federal expense.
          ``(3) Consultation.--After construction of any 
        project authorized to be carried out pursuant to the 
        feasibility study identified in paragraph (1), the 
        Secretary shall consult with the Governor of the State 
        in which the project is constructed and seek 
        Congressional authority to construct any new 
        technologies not included in the Chief's Report.''.
  Page 52, after line 24, insert the following:
          (21) Projects under the Great Lakes Mississippi River 
        Interbasin Study Brandon Road Study.

  30. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gonzalez-Colon of 
         Puerto Rico or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 52, after line 16, insert the following (and redesignate 
          (17) Project for navigation, San Juan Harbor, Puerto 

31. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lance of New Jersey or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 52, after line 24, insert the following:
          (21) Project for ecosystem restoration, Warren Glen 
        Dam Removal, Musconetcong River, New Jersey.

32. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lujan of New Mexico or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 52, after line 24, insert the following:
          (21) Project for flood control and water supply, 
        Abiquiu Dam, New Mexico.

 33. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Larsen of Washington 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 55, line 1, strike ``$3,000,000,000'' and insert 
  Page 57, line 24, strike ``$3,000,000,000'' and insert 
  At the end of title III, add the following:


  Section 544(f) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 
(Public Law 106-541; 114 Stat. 2675) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``$40,000,000'' and inserting 
        ``$60,000,000''; and
          (2) by striking ``$5,000,000'' and inserting 

      34. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title II the following:


  Not later than December 31, 2019, the Secretary shall 
expedite and complete the dredging of Plymouth Harbor, 
Massachusetts, as authorized by the Act of March 4, 1913 (37 
Stat. 802, chapter 144) and the Act of September 22, 1922 (42 
Stat. 1038, chapter 427).

 35. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Joyce of Ohio or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title II the following:


  The Secretary shall complete a final feasibility report for 
the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study Brandon Road 
Study, authorized under section 3061(d) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 2007 (121 Stat. 1121) and section 1538(b)(1) 
of MAP-21 (Public Law 112-141; 126 Stat. 586) by the original 
deadline of February 2019.

36. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Bishop Jr. of Georgia 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  (a) In General.--On the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary of the Army shall convey to the City of Bainbridge, 
Georgia, without monetary consideration and subject to 
subsection (b), all right, title, and interest in and to real 
property described in subsection (c).
  (b) Terms and Conditions.--
          (1) In general.--The conveyance by the United States 
        under this subsection shall be subject to--
                  (A) the condition that the City of Bainbridge 
                agree to operate, maintain, and manage the 
                property for fish and wildlife, recreation, and 
                environmental purposes at no cost or expense to 
                the United States; and
                  (B) such other terms and conditions as the 
                Secretary determines to be in the interest of 
                the United States.
          (2) Reversion.--If the Secretary determines that the 
        real property conveyed under paragraph (1) ceases to be 
        held in public ownership or the city ceases to operate, 
        maintain, and manage the real property in accordance 
        with this subsection, all right, title, and interest in 
        and to the property shall revert to the United States, 
        at the option of the Secretary.
  (c) Property.--The property to be conveyed is composed of the 
following 3 parcels of land:
          (1) Parcel 1.--All that tract or parcel of land lying 
        and being in Land Lots 226. and 228, Fifteenth Land 
        District, and Land Lots 319, 320, 321, 322, 323 and 
        358, Twentieth Land District, Decatur County, Georgia, 
        more particularly described as follows:
                  Beginning at a concrete monument stamped 
                ``358'' which is 950 feet, more or less, North 
                of the South line and 600 feet, more or less, 
                West of the East line of said Land Lot 358, at 
                a corner of a tract of land owned by the United 
                States of America at Lake Seminole and at plane 
                coordinate position North 318,698.72 feet and 
                East 360,033.38 feet based on Transverse 
                Mercator Projection, Georgia West Zone;
                  Thence Due West 75 feet, more or less, to the 
                contour at elevation 77.0 feet above Mean Sea 
                  Thence Northeasterly along the meanders of 
                said 77.0 foot contour a distance of 20,600 
                feet, more or less, to the mouth of the 
                entrance channel to the arena and boat basin;
                  Thence N 75  E 150 feet, more or less, to 
                another point on said 77.0 foot contour;
                  Thence Northeasterly along the meanders of 
                said 77.0 foot contour a distance of 3,300 
                feet, more or less, to a point which is on the 
                boundary of said United States tract and on the 
                boundary of a tract of land now or formerly 
                owned by the City of Bainbridge, Georgia;
                  Thence along the boundary of said United 
                States tract the following courses:
                          S 10  52' E along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 830 feet, 
                        more or less, to a corner of said 
                          S 89  45' E along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 700 feet, 
                        more or less, to a concrete monument 
                        stamped ``J1A'', coordinates of said 
                        monument being North 328,902.34 feet 
                        and East 369,302.33 feet;
                          S 22  25' W 62 feet, more or less, to 
                        a corner of another tract of land owned 
                        by the City of Bainbridge, Georgia;
                          S 88  07' W along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 350 feet, 
                        more or less to a corner of said tract;
                          N 84  00' W along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 100.5 
                        feet to a corner said tract;
                          S 88  07' W along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 300.0 
                        feet to a corner of said tract;
                          S 14  16' W along boundary of said 
                        City of Bainbridge tract 89.3 feet to a 
                        corner of said tract;
                          Southwesterly along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract which is 
                        along a curve to the right with a 
                        radius of 684.69 feet an arc distance 
                        of 361.8 feet to a corner of said 
                          S 30  00' W along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 294.0 
                        feet to a corner of said tract;
                          S 10  27.' W along the boundary of 
                        said City of Bainbridge tract 385.0 
                        feet to a corner of said tract;
                          N 73  31' W 38 feet, more or less, to 
                        a concrete monument;
                          S 16  25' W 563.7 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J7A'';
                          S 68  28' W 719.5 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J9A'';
                          S 68  28' W 831.3 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J12A'';
                          S 89  39'.E 746.7 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J11A'';
                          S 01  22' w 80.0 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J11B'';
                          N 89  39' W 980.9 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J13A'';
                          S 01  21' W 560.0 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``J15A'';
                          S 37  14' W 1,213.0 feet;
                          N 52  46' W 600.0 feet;
                          S 37  14' W 1,000.0 feet;
                          S 52  46' E 600.0 feet;
                          S 37  14' W 117.0 feet to a concrete 
                        monument stamped ``320/319'';
                          S 37  13' W 1,403.8 feet to a 
                        concrete monument stamped ``322/319'';
                          S 37  13' W 2,771.4 feet to a 
                        concrete monument stamped ``322/323'';
                          S 37  13' W 1,459.2 feet;
                          N 89  04' W 578.9 feet;
                          S 53  42' W 367.7 feet;
                          S 43  42' W 315.3 feet;
                          S 26  13' W 654.9 feet, more or less, 
                        to the point of beginning.
                  Containing 550.00 acres, more or less, and 
                being a part of Tracts L-1105 and L-1106 of 
                Lake Seminole.
          (2) Parcel 2.--All that tract or parcel of land lying 
        and lying and being in Land Lot 226, Fifteenth Land 
        District, Decatur County, Georgia, more particularly 
        described as follows:
                  Beginning at a point which is on the East 
                right-of-way line of the Seaboard Airline 
                Railroad, 215 feet North of the South end of 
                the trestle over the Flint River, and at a 
                corner of a tract of land owned by the United 
                States of America at Lake Seminole;
                  Thence Southeasterly along the boundary of 
                said United States tract which is along a curve 
                to the right a distance of 485 feet, more or 
                less, to a point which is 340 feet, more or 
                less, S 67  00' E from the South end of said 
                trestle, and at a corner of said United States 
                  Thence N 70  00' E along the boundary of said 
                United States tract 60.0 feet to a corner of 
                said tract;
                  Thence Northerly along the boundary of said 
                United States tract which is along a curve to 
                the right a distance of 525 feet, more or less, 
                to a corner of said tract;
                  Thence S 05  00' W along the boundary of said 
                United States tract 500.0 feet to a corner of 
                said tract;
                  Thence Due West along the boundary of said 
                United States tract 370 feet, more or less, to 
                a point which is on the East right-of-way line 
                of said railroad and at a corner of said United 
                States tract;
                  Thence N 13  30' W along the boundary of said 
                United States tract which is along the East 
                right-of-way line of said railroad a distance 
                of 310 feet, more or less, to the point of 
                  Containing 3.67 acres, more or less, and 
                being all of Tract L-1124 of Lake Seminole.
                  Parcels 1 and 2 contain in the aggregate 
                553.67 acres, more or less.
          (3) Parcel 3.--All that tract or panel of land lying 
        and being in Land Lot 225, Fifteenth Land District, 
        Decatur County, Georgia, more particularly described as 
                  Beginning at an iron marker designated ``225/
                226/'', which is on the South line and 500 
                feet, more or less, West of the Southeast 
                corner of said Land Lot 225 at a corner of a 
                tract of land owned by the United States of 
                America at Lake Seminole and at plane 
                coordinate position North 330,475.82 feet and 
                East 370,429.36 feet, based on Transverse 
                Mercator Projection, Georgia West Zone;
                  Thence Due West along the boundary of said 
                United States tract a distance of 53.0 feet to 
                a monument stamped ``225/226-A'';
                  Thence continue Due West along the boundary 
                of said United States tract a distance of 56 
                feet, more or less, to a point on the East bank 
                of the Flint River;
                  Thence Northerly, upstream, along the 
                meanders of the East bank of said river a 
                distance of 1,200 feet, more or less, to a 
                point which is on the Southern right-of-way 
                line of U.S. Highway No. 84 and at a corner of 
                said United States tract;
                  Thence Easterly and Southeasterly along the 
                Southern right-of-way line of said highway, 
                which is along the boundary of said United 
                States tract a distance of 285 feet, more or 
                less, to a monument stamped ``L-23-1'', the 
                coordinates of said monument being North 
                331,410.90 and East 370,574.96;
                  Thence S 02  25' E along the boundary of said 
                United States tract a distance of 650.2 feet to 
                a monument stamped ``225-A'';
                  Thence S 42  13' E along the boundary of said 
                United States tract a distance of 99.8 feet to 
                a monument stamped ``225'';
                  Thence S 48  37' W along the boundary of said 
                United States tract a distance of 319.9 feet, 
                more or less, to the point of beginning.
                  Containing 4.14 acres, more or less, and 
                being all of Tract L-1123 of the Lake Seminole 

 37. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Blum of Iowa or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  The Secretary shall expedite completion of the project for 
flood risk management, Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 
authorized by section 7002(2) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 2014 (128 Stat. 1366).

      38. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary 
may repair or replace, as necessary, any bridge owned and 
operated by the Secretary that is--
          (1) located in any of the States of Connecticut, 
        Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and 
        Vermont; and
          (2) necessary for evacuation during an extreme 
        weather event.

 39. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McMorris Rodgers of 
          Washington or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  (a) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means 
        the approximately 288 acres of land situated in Whitman 
        County, Washington, contained within Tract D of Little 
        Goose Lock and Dam.
          (2) Non-federal land.--The term ``non-Federal land'' 
        means a tract or tracts of land owned by the Port of 
        Whitman County, Washington, that the Secretary 
        determines, with approval of the Washington Department 
        of Fish and Wildlife and the Secretary of the Interior 
        acting through the Director of the United States Fish 
        and Wildlife Service, equals or exceeds the value of 
        the Federal land both as habitat for fish and wildlife 
        and for recreational opportunities related to fish and 
  (b) Land Exchange.--On conveyance by the Port of Whitman 
County to the United States of all right, title, and interest 
in and to the non-Federal land, the Secretary of the Army shall 
convey to the Port of Whitman County all right, title, and 
interest of the United States in and to the Federal land.
  (c) Deeds.--
          (1) Deed to non-federal land.--The Secretary may only 
        accept conveyance of the non-Federal land by warranty 
        deed, as determined acceptable by the Secretary.
          (2) Deed to federal land.--The Secretary shall convey 
        the Federal land to the Port of Whitman County by 
        quitclaim deed and subject to any reservations, terms, 
        and conditions the Secretary determines necessary to 
        allow the United States to operate and maintain the 
        Lower Snake River Project and to protect the interests 
        of the United States.
  (d) Cash Payment.--If the appraised fair market value of the 
Federal land, as determined by the Secretary, exceeds the 
appraised fair market value of the non-Federal land, as 
determined by the Secretary, the Port of Whitman County shall 
make a cash payment to the United States reflecting the 
difference in the appraised fair market values.
  (e) Administrative Expenses.--The Port of Whitman County 
shall be responsible for the administrative costs of the 
transaction in accordance with section 2695 of title 10, United 
States Code.
  (f) Liability.--The Port of Whitman County shall hold the 
United States harmless from any liability with respect to 
activities carried out on the Federal land on or after the date 
of the conveyance.
  (g) Applicability of Real Property Screening Provisions.--
Section 2696 of title 10, United States Code, shall not apply 
to the conveyance of the Federal land under this section.
  (h) Survey to Obtain Legal Description.--The exact acreage 
and legal description of the Federal land and non-Federal land 
shall be determined by a survey that is satisfactory to the 

  40. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Shea-Porter of New 
          Hampshire or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, insert the following:


  In carrying out the project for navigation, Hampton Harbor, 
New Hampshire, under section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 
1960 (33 U.S.C. 577), the Secretary shall use all existing 
authorities of the Secretary to mitigate severe shoaling.

  41. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Shea-Porter of New 
          Hampshire or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title III, add the following:


  The Secretary shall expedite the project for navigation for 
Portsmouth Harbor and the Piscataqua River authorized by 
section 101 of the River and Harbor Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 

42. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lewis of Minnesota or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:

                    PLACEMENT SPONSORS.

  It is the sense of Congress that--
          (1) when a State or subdivision of a State, 
        individually or in partnership with a private partner, 
        develops a reasonable alternative to the Federal 
        standard for dredged material disposal facilities that 
        meets relevant Federal environmental and dredged 
        material placement and disposal requirements in 
        coordination with a Corps of Engineers' District 
        Office, it should receive preferred consideration by 
        the Secretary; and
          (2) the Secretary is encouraged to consider entering 
        into agreements with non-Federal sponsors for the 
        acquisition, design, construction, management, or 
        operation and maintenance of dredged material disposal 
        facilities, including port facilities, through section 
        217 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996.

43. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Olson of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  The Secretary shall carry out expeditiously projects already 
authorized by the Army Corps of Engineers to reduce the risk of 
future floods and hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Georgia, 
Louisiana, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, and the United States 
Virgin Islands.

44. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McCaul of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title II the following:


   The Secretary shall expeditiously carry out flood and storm 
damage reduction studies to reduce the risk of damage from 
future floods and hurricanes in the Houston and Coastal Texas 
areas. In carrying out the studies, the Secretary shall 
leverage existing information and resources.

45. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Weber of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 4, after line 10, insert the following (and renumber the 
subsequent paragraphs accordingly):
          (1) by striking section 9003;
          (2) by redesignating sections 9004 through 9008 as 
        sections 9003 through 9007, respectively;
          (3) in section 9003(c) (as redesignated by this 
        section), by adding at the end the following:
          ``(6) Levee safety action classification.--In 
        carrying out risk characterizations for levee systems, 
        the Secretary shall include, as a part of any Levee 
        Safety Action Classification, the following 
                  ``(A) a complete explanation of the way 
                project condition, design, hydrology, flood 
                frequency, probabilities of failure and 
                overtopping and any other relevant factor were 
                integrated in arriving at the rating assigned;
                  ``(B) all incremental corrective actions that 
                can be taken to progressively improve the 
                relative levee safety action classification 
                assigned to a levee system; and
                  ``(C) the incremental costs associated with 
                each corrective action in subsection (b).'';
          (4) in section 9004 (as redesignated by this 
        section), by striking subsection (b) (and redesignating 
        the subsequent subsection accordingly);
  Page 4, line 11, strike ``9005(g)(2)(E)(i)'' and insert 
``9004(f)(2)(E)(i) (as redesignated by this section)''.
  Page 4, line 14, strike ``9008'' and insert ``9007 (as 
redesignated by this section)''.

 46. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Meeks of New York or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 52, after line 24, insert the following:
          (21) Project for reformulation, East Rockaway Inlet 
        to Rockaway Inlet and Jamaica Bay, Queens, New York.

47. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Schrader of Oregon or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  Any project or facility of the Corps of Engineers studied for 
disposition for which a final report by the Director of Civil 
Works has been completed shall, to the maximum extent 
practicable, be included in the future workplan of the Corps.

 48. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Smith of Missouri or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  (a) In General.--After any flood event requiring operation or 
activation of any floodway or backwater feature within the 
Mississippi River and Tributaries Project through natural 
overtopping of a Federal levee or artificial crevassing of a 
Federal levee to relieve pressure on the levees elsewhere in 
the system, the Secretary shall expeditiously reset and restore 
the damaged floodway's levees.
  (b) Mississippi River and Tributaries Project.--The term 
``Mississippi River and Tributaries Project'' means the 
Mississippi River and Tributaries project authorized by the Act 
of May 15, 1928 (Chap. 569; 45 Stat. 534).

49. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Young of Alaska or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) Assessment.--With respect to each project classified as 
class III under the Dam Safety Action Classification of the 
Corps of Engineers for which the Secretary has assumed 
responsibility for maintenance, as of the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall assess--
          (1) the anticipated effects of the Secretary 
        continuing to be responsible for the maintenance of the 
        project during the period that ends 15 years after the 
        date of enactment of this Act, including the benefits 
        to the State and local community; and
          (2) the anticipated effects of the Secretary not 
        continuing to be responsible for the maintenance of the 
        project during such 15-year period, including the costs 
        to the State and local community.
  (b) Report.--Not later than 90 days after completion of the 
assessment under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit a 
report summarizing the results of the assessment to the 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works of the Senate.

50. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Costa of California or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end of title I the following:


  Section 5 of the Act of June 22, 1936 (49 Stat. 1572, chapter 
688; 33 U.S.C. 701h), is amended by inserting after 
``authorized purposes of the project:'' the following: 
``Provided further, That the Secretary is authorized to receive 
and expend funds, subject to the availability of 
appropriations, from an owner of a non-Federal reservoir to 
formulate, review, or revise operational documents for any non-
Federal reservoir for which the Secretary is authorized to 
prescribe regulations for the use of storage allocated for 
flood risk management or navigation pursuant to section 7 of 
the Act of December 22, 1944 (58 Stat. 890, chapter 665; 33 
U.S.C. 709):''.

51. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 42, line 24, insert ``In making such information 
publicly available, the Secretary shall, to the maximum extent 
practicable, endeavor to provide such information to all 
adjoining residential stakeholders of real property to which 
the Army Corps of Engineers holds an interest therein.'' after 
``holds an interest.''.

 52. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Paulsen of Minnesota 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 54, beginning on line 5, strike ``the Secretary may not 
complete'' and all that follows through ``of the Senate on--'' 
on line 9 and insert ``the Secretary shall expedite completion 
of such study and shall produce a report on the Upper St. 
Anthony Falls Lock and Dam that is separate from any report on 
any other lock or dam included in such study that includes 
plans for--''.
  Page 54, line 10, strike ``the feasibility of''.
  Page 54, line 15, strike ``and''.
  Page 54, line 16, strike ``the preservation of'' and insert 
``a partial disposition of the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and 
Dam facility and surrounding real property that preserves''.
  Page 54, line 18, strike the first period and insert ``; 
and'' and strike the closing quotation marks and second period 
and insert the following:
          ``(3) expediting the disposition described in this 
        subsection (d).''.


1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Collins of New York or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 2, line 23, after the dollar amount, insert (increased 
by $1,200,000).
  Page 7, line 16, after the dollar amount, insert (reduced by 

2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Abraham of Louisiana or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 3, line 15, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $17,410,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $17,410,000)''.

      3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 3, line 15, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $7,000,000) (increased by $7,000,000)''.

 4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Beyer of Virginia or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 11, beginning on line 21, strike section 107.

 5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Ruiz of California or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 14, line 16, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $2,000,000) (increased by $2,000,000)''.

 6. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lujan Grisham of New 
            Mexico or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 14, line 16, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(decreased by $15,000,000)(increased by $15,000,000)''.

     7. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative DeSaulnier of 
          California or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 15, line 17, after the dollar amount insert ``(reduced 
by $5,000,000) (increased by $5,000,000)''.

8. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Mitchell of Michigan or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 17, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $6,100,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $28,052,400)''.
   Page 64, line 6, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $34,152,400)''.

 9. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Cohen of Tennessee or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 21, line 24, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $2,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $2,000,000)''.

      10. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 21, line 24, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $10,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $10,000,000)''.

11. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Bonamici of Oregon or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 21, line 24, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $10,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $10,000,000)''.

12. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Esty of Connecticut or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 21, line 24, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $15,000,000)''.
  Page 27, line 21, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $15,000,000)''.

      13. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Tsongas of 
        Massachusetts or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

   Page 21, line 24, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $5,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $5,000,000)''.

14. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 22, line 13, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $1,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $1,000,000)''.

15. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Soto of Florida or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 22, line 25, after the dollar amount, insert 
``(increased by $1,000,000)''.
  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $1,000,000)''.

16. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Weber of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 23, line 12, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $35,000,000)(increased by $35,000,000)''.

17. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Esty of Connecticut or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 24, line 3, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $20,000,000) (increased by $20,000,000)''.

 18. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Beyer of Virginia or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 24, line 3, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $28,310,000)''.
  Page 30, line 7, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $28,310,000)''.

19. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Smith of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 11, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $126,800,000) (increased by $126,800,000)''.

      20. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 21, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $5,000,000)(increased by $5,000,000)''.

21. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Marshall of Kansas or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 11, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $20,000,000)(increased by $20,000,000)''.

  22. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Langevin of Rhode 
            Island or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 11, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $3,000,000) (increased by $3,000,000)''.

 23. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Kihuen of Nevada or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 27, line 21, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $190,000,000)''.
  Page 64, line 6, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $190,000,000)''.

 24. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gosar of Arizona or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 30, line 7, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $325,000,000)''.
  Page 30, line 8, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $29,250,000)''.
  Page 64, line 6, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $325,000,000)''.

 25. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jackson Lee of Texas 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 32, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $1,000,000) (increased by $1,000,000)''.

 26. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lee of California or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 33, line 14, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $65,000,000)''.
  Page 34, line 3, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $65,000,000)''.

 27. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Connolly of Virginia 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 33, line 14, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $97,219,000)''.
  Page 34, line 3, after the dollar amount, insert ``(increased 
by $97,219,000)''.

28. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative O'Halleran of Arizona 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 36, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $1,000,000) (increased by $1,000,000)''.

 29. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gosar of Arizona or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 40, after line 24, insert the following:

                       WAPA ADMINISTRATOR SALARY

  Sec. __. The salary of Mark Gabriel, the Administrator of the 
Western Area Power Administration, shall be reduced to $1.

      30. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Keating of 
        Massachusetts or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 55, line 19, after the dollar amount, insert ``(reduced 
by $1,000,000) (increased by $1,000,000)''.

 31. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Beyer of Virginia or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 62, beginning on line 16, strike section 505.

 32. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Kihuen of Nevada or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 63, beginning on line 7, strike section 508.

33. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Newhouse of Washington 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. __.  None of the funds made available by this Act may be 
used to sell the transmission assets of the Bonneville Power 
Administration, the Southwestern Power Administration, the 
Western Area Power Administration, or the Tennessee Valley 

34. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Blackburn of Tennessee 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. __.  Each amount appropriated or otherwise made 
available by this Act that is not required to be appropriated 
or otherwise made available by a provision of law is hereby 
reduced by 1 percent.

 35. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jackson Lee of Texas 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A, before the short title, insert the 
  Sec. __.  The amounts otherwise provided by this Act are 
revised by reducing the amount made available for ``Corps of 
Engineers-Civil--Investigations'', and increasing the amount 
made available for the same account, by $3,000,000.

 36. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jackson Lee of Texas 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. __.  None of the funds made available by this Act for 
``Department of Energy--Energy Programs--Science'' may be used 
in contravention of the Department of Energy Organization Act 
(42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.).

 37. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Burgess of Texas or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. __.  None of the funds made available by this Act may be 
          (1) to implement or enforce section 430.32(x) of 
        title 10, Code of Federal Regulations; or
          (2) to implement or enforce the standards established 
        by the tables contained in section 325(i)(1)(B) of the 
        Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 
        6295(i)(1)(B)) with respect to BPAR incandescent 
        reflector lamps, BR incandescent reflector lamps, and 
        ER incandescent reflector lamps.

38. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative DeSantis of Florida or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. _.  None of the funds made available by this Act may be 
used to purchase heavy water from Iran.

   39. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Norman of South 
           Carolina or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the 
  Sec. __.  The total amount of appropriations made available 
by this Act is hereby reduced by $1,500,000,000.
