Creative Placemaking

Creative Placemaking

Creative placemaking projects help to transform communities into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. Creative placemaking is when artists, arts organizations, and community development practitioners deliberately integrate arts and culture into community revitalization work - placing arts at the table with land-use, transportation, economic development, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety strategies. Creative placemaking supports local efforts to enhance quality of life and opportunity for existing residents, increase creative activity, and create a distinct sense of place.

Design & Creative Placemaking Fact Sheet | Design & Creative Placemaking Newsletter


Design and Creative Placemaking Director

Jen Hughes
Jen Hughes was appointed director of Design and Creative Placemaking for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in April...


Katherine Bray-Simons
Grants Management Specialist (Design),
Courtney Spearman
Design Specialist,


Maria Rosario Jackson head shot
Holistic urban planner, member of the National Council on the Arts


The National Endowment for the Arts works to enhance coordination across federal agencies to improve interactions with local government, non-profits, businesses, and other stakeholders, with a commitment to drive meaningful outcomes alongside local community partners.


How to Do Creative Placemaking is an action-oriented guide for making places better. This book includes instructional and thought-provoking case studies and essays from today’s leading thinkers in creative placemaking...
A white paper based on the "Beyond the Building: Performing Arts and Transforming Place" convening which was held by the National Endowment for the Arts with support from ArtPlace America...